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Headscratchers / Pretty Blood

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Pretty Blood is dark, sure, but there are some instances where you may have some Headscratchers thoughts while watching this animation, can the Thai animator answer this? Only time will tell.

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     Humans, Malinos and Bluddys 

  • So Malinos and Bluddys came from a different dimension that is separated from the humans, and they came to this planet (or something), and what's the human's first reaction when they arrived? Are they confused, happy, or scared? How did they managed to made contact with each other and coexist peacefully? (at least for the most part.)

  • What caused Rinny to kill her cat with a baseball bat in a first place? Spoilers 

     Pretty Blood, the company 
  • What's the reason why Pretty Blood was founded? Did General Altha didn't even like Malinos or did he rather find Malinos a perfect replacement for torture instead of humans?
