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Headscratchers / Lost Souls (1992)

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  • Zillah's coven all file their teeth to points to facilitate feeding. At one point Steve knocks in Zillah's mouth with a baseball bat, knocking out some or all of his front teeth. Later that evening Zillah reappears at the club, wounds healed, and Ghost notes that his teeth are back and sharp as ever. Did the group pause for a teeth-filing session before hitting the club? Does vampiric regeneration take into account any self-inflicted modifications, or does it return you to stock? Does Zillah control the regenerating consciously, and so can give himself pointy teeth if he wants them back? If so, why don't they all do that instead of tediously filing them?
    • For that matter, all the vampires have body piercings and (later) scarification. Wouldn't their bodies reject such injuries and heal them in a matter of hours?
