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Headscratchers / Frasier (2023)

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  • How is it that Freddy and Eve's apartment is so small and considered to be a rathole, but Frasier's, right across the hall, is large and swanky?
    • I wouldn't call Freddy and Eve's apartment a "rathole", it's not run down, just small. But, that asid.e, many apartment buildings have multiple sized apartments available, with different rent rates based on the size. A lot of them in larger cities like Boston or New York, where one could make serious bank only owning one building, will have an owner's suite or superintendent's suite.
    • The same thing pretty much happened on Friends and The Big Bang Theory.
  • Since Frasier bought the apartment building, does that mean he's gonna be a landlord?
    • I'm going to make the good faith assumption you are genuinely asking and not looking to start an argument and say yes. He even tells Freddy and Eve that if Freddy moves into his apartment they can both live rent free.

  • I never really thought about it, but why does Lilith have such distain for Fraiser? I can understand his distain for her as she cheated on and left him. But he's really done nothing to her besides be hurt by her.
