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Headscratchers / Ernest Scared Stupid

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  • If milk is the troll's weakness because it symbolizes a mother's love, then shouldn't it have to be human milk, not cow milk?
    • A cow is a mother, after a fashion.
    • From a Doylist standpoint, using breast milk in a family/kid's film is... not exactly appropriate.
  • How was Ernest's ancestor able to capture Trantor in a net when being hit and ran over with a pick-up truck doesn't even faze him? Back when he was first captured, he had all but one soul he needed and when Ernest hits him and runs him over, he only had two or three souls so it wasn't because he was stronger.
    • Perhaps it was doused in milk? It seemed that Judge Worrell was pretty on the ball, perhaps inventiveness is a family trait?
  • How did Trantor sneak into Elizabeth's house undetected? Elizabeth suspects he is hiding under her bed, only to have her suspicions confirmed when he shows up on the bed next to her. We don't see any hint of a broken window and there's no scene establishing the fact that he burglarized the house.
    • He's a magic Troll who turns kids into wood, sneaking into a bedroom would be easy, mind you, he never does this again, despite needing to get get kids to raise his army, and that would speed things up.
