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Headscratchers / Doctor Who Series 13

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    "The Halloween Apocalypse" 
  • How could Swarm disable all the stasis technology that kept him imprisoned in his containment chamber? He says only, “I waited. I planned.”
  • How did Azure hide herself inside the identity of a human unaware of her true nature? There’s no indication she had access to anything like chameleon arch technology.
    • My impression was that was done to her, as a way of keeping her contained and possibly taking advantage of her abilities if needed.
  • How is it that there is one Lupar for every human? How often is the Lupar count supposed to update? New human beings are born and die every few seconds.
    • Perhaps the Lupar are a clone race, like Sontarans, so the Lupar count can update incredibly quickly.
    • Presumably there are Lupari being born and dying all the time too.
  • What if a human bonded to a particular Lupar already owns at least one dog?
    • Then hopefully the Lupar was ready to adopt the dogs, too.
  • What were the Lupari doing before dogs were domesticated? Did they even exist then?
    • Karvanista was there for the Anchoring of the Thread, as seen in Once, Upon Time. Is this his native time period? If so, what were the Lupari doing before humanity had even evolved?
    • Presumably just hanging out and doing their own thing. Their species bond with humanity probably started once they noticed that dogs had been domesticated.
      • Maybe the Lupari-human species bond was independent of, and pre-dates, human relationships with dogs. Perhaps the Lupari find us cute.
    • Maybe the Lupari were species-bonded to other species, who may have had dog-like animals for companionship.
  • Do people from societies where dogs do not have the same connotations of being "friends" of people as they do in the West have Lupari? In many societies, dogs are seen as useful as aids in hunting, herding, and guarding houses and camps, but do not have the same sentimental values attached to them as they are in the West.
    • They probably do. The Lupari/human species bond possibly formed independently of any human cultural stances on dogs and only happily coincides with some of them.
  • What about societies which lack domestic dogs - for instance, do the Sentinelese have Lupari? Did the Aboriginal Tasmanians?
    • They probably do - see above.
  • The method of protecting Earth from the Flux was to cover all of the Lupari ships over the entire circumference of the Earth. That's all well and good, but what about the Sun? If the Sun is destroyed by the Flux, Earth is still doomed. Not to mention in following episodes Earth has a day/night cycle despite the shield still being there.
  • So Swarm has a prison all to himself with regular check ups but Azure has a false life as Anna in the Arctic Circle? The man with her, supposedly her guard, is very unconcerned with the warning beacon and ignores it with her. Maybe this is because of denial or that he has fallen in love with her but this is never stated and left too ambiguous to mean anything. Ultimately it comes across as he's neglecting his duty and risking the universe because he doesn't want to have to deal with the problem.
  • The Doctor says she always wondered what the end of the universe would feel like, but haven't they already experienced it multiple times?
  • Where were the Lupari during all the other times that humanity have faced cataclysmic alien threats?
    "War of the Sontarans" 
  • Why does the Passenger have a humanoid form like the Ravagers when it’s merely an artefact? It’s not like it has a mouth for communication or a personality for interaction.
  • Why and how does Vinder end up in the Temple of Atropos?
  • Why does Yaz end up in the Temple of Atropos? It at least makes some sense Dan would go back to his original place and time but Yaz has no relation to the place at all.
  • How does the Sontarans always being on Earth work? If they had been there for a long time, long enough to be considdered a fixture on Earth, then the experiment had already been a success and shouldn't still be going on. And if they have been there that long then how is Earth history so unchanged when the whole point was to change Earth's history by their invasion?
    "Once, Upon Time" 
  • How does the Time Force annihilate whatever it comes into contact with? Are its blue particles composed of anti-time, and if so, doesn’t that imply the same paradox of matter/anti-matter in the universe?
    • May just be that it ages things/people to death.
  • So why was Azure trapped as a married woman in the Arctic? Why was she given that as her prison while Swarm was trapped in a much more complex prison?
  • Yaz is supposedly not in her own timeline—then where the hell is she?
  • How old is Karvanista? He was around during the Dark Times, with Fugitive. Are the Dark Times his native time period? If so, he would have been around millions of years before Dan was born - is Dan somehow "fated" to become his human?
    • Presumably this was before the Lupari were species-bonded to any species.
    • When the Lupari/human species bond became a thing, Karvanista was probably bonded to multiple humans before Dan.
    "Village of the Angels" 
  • If the entire village from 1967 was sent back to 1901, wouldn’t the village in 1901 have had a new population from the future rather than being deserted?
    • I think it's implied that the villagers don't last very long after being sent to 1901. Either the Angels touch them a second time and kill them (this is itself a retcon, but let's ignore that) or they wander off the edge.
  • Why does getting touched by a Weeping Angel a second time kill people in this episode, but Rory was sent back in time twice in an earlier episode?
    • It might be a function of this episode taking place inside the Temporal Extraction. People touched in 1901 had nowhere earlier to go to.
    • It might only kill you if they touch you again almost immediately. If you start living your life in the earlier time they sent you to, you start accumulating more potential energy for them to drain.
    • Rory might have survived because he was a time traveler. Kate was able to tell from artron energy around Yaz and Dan that they'd traveled in the TARDIS, maybe that artron energy allows the Angels to feed again without killing their victim.
  • The Rouge Angel was in Claire's mind, so how did it take control of the TARDIS? And what was it doing in Yaz's timestream in the previous episode—the timestream that wasn't hers?
    "Survivors Of The Flux" 
  • How does the psycho-temporal bridge to the Doctor that Swarm and Azure create reach the Division‘s Void outpost when it’s effectively undetectable for anyone inside this universe? The Doctor was completely unable to find a trace of it—“Because I looked far and wide across the universe, and there was nothing.”
    • To get to nowhere from somewhere, you still have to know where you’re going.
  • Why were the Doctor’s old memories quantum-locked in a Weeping Angel before Tecteun transferred them to a fob watch? Why weren’t they just sealed away in the watch to in the first place?
    • The rogue Angel was probably just plain lying about ever having any of the Doctor's memories.
  • Why did the Doctor ask Dan, Yaz, and Jericho to try to find the end date of the world? Not only does the Doctor never ask for it but it is never needed.
  • While it is plausible that people on Earth have been having visions of the Flux and the end of the world, why are there some people going to such lengths to stop them? And why do they have the Grand Serpent's tattoo? Are they working for him? And if so, why? He has nothing to gain from the information, that is already hard to find, being further hidden. That's all if he knew about them in the first place!
  • What is the point of the message 'Fetch your dog,' and 'Fetch your Human'? It could be seen as worth leaving the message by the Great wall of China as in the future it might mean something to Karvanista, but they are creating a large message that is expected to last for 117 years and go unnoticed so neither Dan or Yaz have any knowledge of the message—that should have been noticed as a worldwide curiosity as it is a very large message written in English in China that makes little sense. This is made even stranger by the fact that even when he does get it, Karvanista is unable to do anything with this information, leaving me to wonder what the point of either messages was? The message was also seen by Karvanista's ship computer long after he had arrived on Earth, why would it only be seen then?
  • Joseph Williamson's tunnels never go fully explained. That he has been building tunnels to link holes in time—that require the instillation of a door, it seems—makes sense but why are the holes there in the first place and why in such density? He also says they all started shifting on Halloween—but he is in 1820 and the Halloween in question was in 2021?
    "The Vanquishers" 
  • How did the TARDIS wind up in the Williamson Tunnels after UNIT had picked it up in 1967 Medderton where the Doctor had left it?
    • When Kate figured out what Prentis was, she probably had it moved to keep it out of his hands. Either UNIT knew there was something special about those tunnels, or they just seemed like a convenient little-known out-of-the-way location to use as a hidden base. Or perhaps she stashed it somewhere else, only to discover that site had become connected to the Williamson Tunnels.
  • On a related note, how did the Brigadier keep the Doctor (and the Master) from discovering that they had a second, functional (well, mostly) TARDIS in their possession the whole time the Third Doctor was stranded on Earth by the Time Lords? Heck, how did the Time Lords not notice it when they stuck him there?
    • Most likely, it was inactive, so no one noticed it, same way the Family of Blood had to physically search out the Doctor's TARDIS in 1913.
  • How do Swarm and Azure know how to control Division technology and thereby how to control the Flux event?
  • If matter is what cancels out the anti-matter properties of the Flux, why was it temporarily affected by the Vortex energy unleashed by the Doctor through the TARDIS? Where does the anti-matter to create the final Flux event come from?
    • Why shouldn't it have been affected by the Vortex energy? Most things have more than one weakness. As for the second question, presumably it was launched by the Division.
  • What happened to the Extraction Squad of Weeping Angels? Why didn’t they prevent Swarm and Azure from taking over the Division’s outpost?
  • Why are the Doctor’s memories contained in the fob watch contained in a house inside that? (“Illogical house. A construction that makes no sense.”)
    • It's supposed to be a visual representation of the memory, to make it less abstract. Why that particular visual was chosen...there's probably not a good answer.
    • Containing the Doctor’s memories in another (abstract) container—like a Russian nesting doll—invites Inception comparisons…
  • The Doctor says that the Sontarans would never ally with the Daleks and the Cybermen, even in the face of the universe's end. But they allied with both of these races, along many other of the Doctor's enemies in "The Pandorica Opens," under very similar circumstances. Why is the Doctor so surprised they'd do it again?
  • How does the Doctor manage to summon and open the Passenger to absorb the Flux when a few scenes before she had to materialize the TARDIS inside of it to get Vinder and Diane out?
  • Why did the three Doctors need to telepathically communicate with each other in that one scene? Before that scene all three Doctors seemed to know what was happening to the others when they shifted between each other, why did they need to telepathically communicate with each other in that particular instance?
    • They seemed to know the generalities, but not all the details.
  • One version of the Doctor stays on the station, another appears at the TARDIS as planned, and a third appears on Karvanista's ship because... why? why is there a third and why is the third there of all places?
  • Why are the Sontarans back on Earth at all? With their temporal offensive a failure they have no need of the planet. the only thing they get from there are psychic beings, so why invade the whole planet and go to the trouble of killing al the Lupari? Couldn't they just pick up other, more gifted, psychic people from another planet? There must be other populated planets left over from the Flux.
  • Have the destroyed sections of the universe been restored? We saw Uranus being consumed in The Halloween Apocalypse so it must have been restored, right? So the rest of the universe too, only this is left unaddressed.
