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Funny / Elliott from Earth

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  • Pilot
    • Frankie questions why Elliott wears a helmet while inside their RV. As soon as she starts the car, rocks she stores over the passenger's seat fall on Elliott's helmet.
    • The two trying to get to the roof of the convenient store. Elliott quickly sees stuff to improvise a jet pack, until his mom reminds him she's a geologist and the only way she can help is if the building erodes.
  • Developing Dilemma:
    • While Elliott is in the park, a doglike alien sniffs his backside. The alien then reveals it can talk.
    • Frankie's attempts to calm down the growing alien pet.
      • She tries attracting its attention with a baton light.
      Frankie: Even the most simple-minded creature will be attracted to the light. (tosses baton light)
