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  • Fairy's Tail has Daniel, Carter and O'Neil freaking out when they realize how different they look in the Fairy Tail World. It later happens to the Fairy Tail crew when they arrive on the Stargate world.
  • File Keeping #3, Campbell collapses when he sees Hekapoo. Then, when given an examination by Dr. Frasier, Campbell whispers “I think I’m hallucinating ma’am, I saw a character from a cartoon I would watch when I was a boy, and then I walk into the conference room during the alarm and suddenly I see her standing atop the table glaring at Gen. Hammond.” Only for Hekapoo to appear and tease him prompting Campbell to yell “Noooooooononononono, this can’t be fucking happening, you’re a cartoon!” So, Hekapoo uses her powers to mess with him.
  • File Keeping #12 deals with Cass, in a sense of gourmet pride, attempting to diversify the pallets of Eliza Cohen and Nick Parker, who always order the exact same cheesesteak (onions, ribeye, and Cheeze Wiz… a Philadelphian masterpiece). She exhausts herself in multiple attempts to find something they would like beyond the usual order, serving up sushi, pancakes, what-have-you, only to receive the same monotone response… “Whiz Wit”. Demoralized, Cass acquiesces to their usual order… only to breakdown in a fit when they suddenly show interest in Ami’s sourdough bowl of clam chowder.
