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Fridge / Rai Kirah

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Fridge Logic

  • Ezzarrian names
    • We're told that Ezzarians consider their names true names, sharing them is an act of connection and trust, and being forced to share them in slavery is a major violation. However, they don't seem to have any form of more commonplace not-true-names to go with them, leaving the question of how they solve the problem of referring to more-or-less strangers in a way less cumbersome and inconvenient than something like 'the woman in the next village who I met at market'.
    • Seyonne also never seems to consider simply giving his masters a false name, despite there not really being anyone around to call him on the lie. (We do know that simply going by a name does not give it the same power, as Aleksander needs to reveal his real name to the Ezzarians before they might be able to magically help him).

Fridge Brilliance

  • Seyonne claims that his 'other/deeper senses' are not sorcery but rather practiced skills ("no different than fencing or riding or dancing"), and this is the reason he can use them even after the Rites of Balthar. However, the way his use of his senses is described feels very magical, and there does not seem to be indication of other non-sorcerous groups learning or possessing these skills. But, once we learn that the Rites of Balthar do not in fact destroy a victim's power, but rather their faith in its working this makes perfect sense - it is in fact Seyonne's belief that the senses are not sorcery that has allowed him to keep using them.
