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Fridge / Juathuur

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Over the course of the comics, the First of the gods changes form drastically. He starts off looking like an ancient cave painting, more primeval force than anything relatably human. Soon he becomes a simplified stick figure made of fire, with a stylized ribcage. Eventually he even gains visible eyes (something Serri also does, going from Eyes Always Shut to just barely open but distinctly human eyes, and less stylized cast to her features). It's not mere Art Evolution - it's because the gods have gone centuries isolated from anything human, and were becoming something inhuman because of that isolation. Only now with Juar and Faevv forcing their way into the gods' world, they're forced to think and deal on a human scale once more and are changing to reflect that. Merlu is the only god in both "One Way" and "Gatecrash" to go completely unchanged (even Lok has shifted from maddened waifish boy to a more composed if unhappy young man) because he was always closest to his humanity.
  • The Solluu, a race of (mostly) humanoid fish-people, have a sacred breeding ground in Erab Adur over which they desperately wish to reacquire control. Okay, it's not unheard-of for an aquatic species to need to return to their spawning grounds. But Erab Adur is in the middle of the Burnt Country, a large desert... Well, given the Solluu were created by one of the gods, who are more scientists about their creations than "let there be..." omnipotent sorts, then what better place to tinker with your new species than somewhere surrounded by a completely hostile environment? Even if the early Solluu broke out, where would they go to escape when surrounded by inhospitable desert? That, or the Burnt Country may have once been a more hospitable environment, but then something happened that gave it the name...
