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Drinking Game / The Kingkiller Chronicle

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If it gets too difficult after the first several cups, consider ordering a Greysdale or two. No one will blame you.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe breaks a rule/law.
    • Take two if he could get expelled from the University if the Masters found out.
    • Finish the bottle if the Masters do find out and he still doesn’t get expelled.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe meets a girl and the narrative pauses to mention that she’s attractive.
    • Take two if she later flirts with Kvothe.
    • Take another every time Kvothe says a seven-word sentence to her.
    • Take three it turns out she’s one of Ambrose’s exes.

  • Take a drink every time someone mentions how old Manet is.
    • Take two if he turns it into a compliment

  • Take a drink every time someone insults poetry.

  • Take a drink every time someone disrespects the Edemah Ruh.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe runs out of money.
    • Take two if he complains about how everyone else has it easy and he’s the only student at the University with no financial support structure.

  • Take a drink every time Denna gets a new boyfriend.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe goes drinking underage.
    • Take two if he secretly just orders water.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe ruins a set of clothing.
    • Take two if he ruins it in a fire.
    • Finish the bottle if someone finds him shirtless afterwards and doesn’t question it.

  • Take a drink every time someone in the meta-narrative tells a Kvothe story that directly contradicts Kvothe’s own version of events.
    • Take two if it’s Old Cob telling the story.
    • Take three if Kvothe intentionally started the rumor that’s being repeated.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe hears about how blue flames are a sign of the Chandrian.

  • Take a drink every time Fela does Kvothe a favor.
    • Take two if Kvothe says he owes her afterward.

  • Take a drink every time Denna changes her name.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe deceives someone about how old he is.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe makes someone cry with the beauty of his music.

  • Take a drink every time The Mating Habits of the Common Draccus is mentioned.
    • Finish the bottle when it actually becomes plot-relevant.

  • Take a drink every time someone makes a comment about how quickly Kvothe learns things.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe does something melodramatic and then justifies it by saying that he’s a trouper.

  • Take a drink every time someone calls Kvothe a gentleman.
    • Take two if they actually mean it.

  • Take a drink every time one of the Masters asks Kvothe an admissions question that seems completely nonsensical.
    • Take another if it makes sense later.

  • Take a drink every time Ambrose bribes/threatens every single person who could do Kvothe a particular service, except for one of them.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe and Denna complain about how hard the other person is to find.

  • Take a drink every time someone mentions the custom for dealing with tinkers.

  • Take a drink every time the Chronicler aggravates his hosts in the meta-narrative.
    • Take two if Bast gets him back.

  • Take a drink every time a chapter ends with an ominous comment about how Ambrose is more dangerous than he seems.
    • Take another if several more chapters pass before Ambrose actually does anything to Kvothe.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe mentions an inn.
    • Take two if Kvothe complains about being banned from playing there.
    • Take another if it has a three-word name beginning with “The.”

  • Take a drink every time someone complains about a foreign language.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe’s eyes suddenly change color.
    • Take two if anyone else realizes.

  • Take a drink every time Kvothe mentions how protective he is of his hands.
    • Take another every time Kvothe does something that’s likely to damage his hands and doesn’t mention the risk.

  • Take a drink every time someone mentions Ambrose’s father’s place in line for the throne.
    • Take two if he’s moved up since someone last mentioned it.
    • Finish the bottle if he becomes king in Book 3.
