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Continuity Nod / BoJack Horseman

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BoJack Horseman has a consistent recollection for characters, events and even minor pieces of information that no one would remember or pay attention, often bringing them back in unexpected ways.


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    Season 1 
Zoes And Zeldas
  • The ottoman that Sarah Lynn burned down last episode is still there in BoJack's living room.
"Our A-Story is a 'D' Story"
  • Hollywood is now referred to as "Hollywoo" after the events of this episode.

    Season 2 
Still Broken
  • Princess Carolyn is given Herb's urn so she can spread his ashes in Ottawa. Todd finds it was in the back of her car in "After the Party" and the urn is seen in her office in the background in later episodes.
After The Party
  • BoJack's broken windshield that he gets from hitting a deer is seen in later episodes.
  • Mr. Peanutbutter gets shirts to commemorate the occasion of Diane's birthday, which she can be seen wearing in later episodes.
Escape From L.A
  • Bobbleheads of David Boreanaz can be seen as some of the trash in BoJack's house.

    Season 3 
Best Thing That Ever Happened
  • The episode concludes with BoJack reversing his car through the window of his living room and into the pool. The glass remained broken until Season 4, episode 6.

    Season 4 
Hooray! Todd Episode!
  • Todd's outfit becomes a new fad and various background characters can be seen wearing the look throughout the season.
Stupid Piece of Sh*t
  • Felicity Huffman calls out BoJack over all the crap he's thrown from his balcony over the years, including the notorious vomited cotton candy that stayed there for a month before sliding into her hot-tub.
  • Todd still has the tattoos of his prison gang affiliations on his arms, only "skinhead" has been slightly modified to say "skinny Jughead."
    Season 5 
The Light Bulb Scene
  • The set of Philbert is a complete recreation of Bojack's house back in season 1 including the burnt ottoman. It was mentioned that it was based off of David Boreanaz's house, which was a scheme that PC and Todd pulled by passing off BoJack's house as David Boreanaz's for money.
The Amelia Earhart Story
  • A background gag has a gun shop turned weed dispensary - referencing the previous season's banning of all guns in California.
Time's Arrow
  • The painting that Sarah Lynn destroyed when she crashed at BoJack's house was actually a painting Joseph owned given to BoJack by Beatrice. It's probably why BoJack wasn't too torn up about it.
    Season 6 
A Horse Walks into A Rehab
  • BoJack points out that one of the rehab patients is simply Jay Hernandez pretending to be Mario as a form of method acting for a new movie. In "A Quick One, While He's Away" the poster for said movie can be seen in the background.
Sunk Cost and All That
  • BoJack and the others write every bad thing that he's done, many of which things he's done throughout the show and various referenced anecdotes.
