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Comically Missing The Point / Tam Sventon

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To non-swedish readers, it should be noted that several of the examples listed below are puns which are hard to translate outside Sweden. Therefore, to avoid too much explanation, each example is simply listed here with an explaining note if necessary.

  • In the first book, when Miss Jansson ask the Oldest Fredriksson sister what her name is, she is so tired and sunstroke that she accidentally confuses her name with the Weasels. Miss Jansson, confused, tells Sventon that a"Miss
Fredriksson-Weasel" wants him to help her.

  • In the third book, while Lord Hubbard visits Sventon to explain why he needs help, he makes an extract where he laments that "The good old kind of Butlers" has vanished. Sventon subsequently writes in his notebook that "a good old butler has been lost".
