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Awesome / Marx Brothers

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  • The fact that Groucho and Chico could usually just TALK their way out of a bad situation is awesome in and of itself.
  • Any time Harpo gets to demonstrate just why he's called that.
    • In the obligatory jam session in Go West, Harpo plays a weaving loom like a harp!
      • In fact, Harpo's style of playing qualified as this to many professionally-trained harpists (Harpo was self-taught and actually played the harp backwards, with the instrument on his right shoulder, while almost all harpists pay it on the left). Later in life, Harpo sought out professional training to learn the proper technique, only to be continually annoyed when the teachers wanted him to teach them his technique!
  • Likewise, any time Chico plays the piano. Damn.
  • Chico and Harpo looked pretty much identical out of costume (as young boys they were often mistaken for twins) and occasionally switched roles on stage, with no one the wiser.
    • Zeppo was such a brilliant actor and comedian that he could sub for any of the Marx Brothers on the fly and no one would notice the difference. When Groucho Marx himself admits that you're the funniest person alive that means something.
      • That's not especially surprising when you see a group photo of the brothers as young men out of costume and notice that they all look a lot alike.
      • You can go by their height. Chico, the oldest, was about 5'6", Harpo half an inch taller, then the younger brothers were progressively taller, until you got to Gummo who was about 5'10".
    • This was exploited in one episode of I've Got a Secret, where Harpo was the special guest. His secret? It wasn't actually Harpo, but Chico dressed flawlessly as his younger brother.
