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Normal text that should wrap because it's very very long and I'm typing a lot and lorem ipso whatsits and this is getting very tedious and boring and it's hard to come up with completely neutral and meaningless things to say. Okay, are we done yet?

Double-spaced paragraph after that last one. Single-spaced line following a double-spaced line.

Double-spaced paragraph with double-backslash at the end to force a line break.
Single-spaced line after that.

Double-spaced paragraph with double-backslash at the end to force a line break.
Double-spaced line after that.

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3 after commented line
  • Bullet 4 after 2 commented lines

Level 1 header

Single-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 1 header

Double-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 2 header

Single-spaced line

Level 2 header

Double-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 3 header

Single-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 3 header

Double-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 1 header single-spaced after a line

Another double-spaced line

Level 2 header single-spaced after a line

Another other double-spaced line

Level 3 header single-spaced after a line.

Level 1 header single-spaced

Level 2 header single-spaced

Level 3 header single-spaced

AC text Single-spaced line More AC text

WMG header
Single-spaced line
Another WMG header
Single-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

  • First-level bullet
Single-spaced text after first-level bullet

  • First-level bullet
    • Second-level bullet
Single-spaced text after second-level bullet

  • First-level bullet
Single-spaced text after first-level bullet
  • Second-level bullet
Single-spaced text after second-level bullet

  • Second-level bullet

Double-spaced text after second-level bullet

  • First-level bullet with double-backslash
    Single-spaced line after double-backslash
    • Second-level bullet with double-backslash
      Single-spaced line after double-backslash

  • First-level bullet
First-level quote
Single-spaced line

First-level quote with double-backslash
Single-spaced line

  • Second-level bullet
Second-level quote
Single-spaced line

  • Second-level bullet with double-backslash
    Single-spaced line
Second-level quote with double-backslash
Single-spaced line

: Single-colon making a bullet-less indent Single-spaced line

Double-colon making a bullet-less indent
Single-spaced line

Double-colon with double-backslash
Single-spaced line

Triple-colon making a bullet-less indent
Single-spaced line

Triple-colon with double-backslash
Single-spaced line

  • First level bullet
Double-colon indent
  • Second-level bullet
Triple-colon indent
Single-spaced line

Double-colon indent
Second-level quote

Double-colon indent
  1. Second-level numbered list

Double-colon indent followed by colon

Double-colon indent followed by double colon

    Everything above but in a folder 
Normal text that should wrap because it's very very long and I'm typing a lot and lorem ipso whatsits and this is getting very tedious and boring and it's hard to come up with completely neutral and meaningless things to say. Okay, are we done yet?

Double-spaced paragraph after that last one. Single-spaced line following a double-spaced line.

Double-spaced paragraph with double-backslash at the end to force a line break.
Single-spaced line after that.

Double-spaced paragraph with double-backslash at the end to force a line break.
Double-spaced line after that.

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3 after commented line
  • Bullet 4 after 2 commented lines

Level 1 header

Single-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 1 header

Double-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 2 header

Single-spaced line

Level 2 header

Double-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 3 header

Single-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 3 header

Double-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

Level 1 header single-spaced after a line

Another double-spaced line

Level 2 header single-spaced after a line

Another other double-spaced line

Level 3 header single-spaced after a line.

Level 1 header single-spaced

Level 2 header single-spaced

Level 3 header single-spaced

AC text Single-spaced line More AC text

WMG header
Single-spaced line
Another WMG header
Single-spaced line

Double-spaced line after a single-spaced line

Another double-spaced line

  • First-level bullet
Single-spaced text after first-level bullet

  • First-level bullet
    • Second-level bullet
Single-spaced text after second-level bullet

  • First-level bullet
Single-spaced text after first-level bullet
  • Second-level bullet
Single-spaced text after second-level bullet

  • Second-level bullet

Double-spaced text after second-level bullet

  • First-level bullet with double-backslash
    Single-spaced line after double-backslash
    • Second-level bullet with double-backslash
      Single-spaced line after double-backslash

  • First-level bullet
First-level quote
Single-spaced line

First-level quote with double-backslash
Single-spaced line

  • Second-level bullet
Second-level quote
Single-spaced line

  • Second-level bullet with double-backslash
    Single-spaced line
Second-level quote with double-backslash
Single-spaced line

: Single-colon making a bullet-less indent Single-spaced line

Double-colon making a bullet-less indent
Single-spaced line

Double-colon with double-backslash
Single-spaced line

Triple-colon making a bullet-less indent
Single-spaced line

Triple-colon with double-backslash
Single-spaced line

  • First level bullet
Double-colon indent
  • Second-level bullet
Triple-colon indent
Single-spaced line

Double-colon indent
Second-level quote

Double-colon indent
  1. Second-level numbered list

Double-colon indent followed by colon

Double-colon indent followed by double colon
