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Live Blogs Pokemon Green Nuzlocke 2: Electric Boogaloo
PippingFool2012-07-26 00:58:07

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Six Years Ago.

John looked at the Jolten splayed out across the ground, innards torn out by the Kangaskhan on the other side of the room. He cursed under his breath as he recalled the dead creature into its Pokeball. Great, now he only had the weakened and poisoned Eridan left, if Eridan died, he would be dead too. He cursed again as he sent out the once mighty Blastoise. As soon as Eridan was released he began stumbling and he fumbled around the room.

The man in black just smiled.

John: Eridan! Use-

Giovanni: Comet Punch.

The Kangaskhan lunged at Eridan and shot a gutsy punch to his head. Knocking it clean off the body and scuttling it across the ground. John looked at his decapitated Blastoise, before staring back at the man dressed in black, eyes full of shock.

The black man just smiled.

Giovanni: John. You’re out of usable Pokemon…

John didn’t need reminding, he knew what was going to happen. Everything about his journey;

His victories His losses His partners

All added up to nothing now.

He looked up once again, staring at the Kangaskhan rushing towards him. Realizing that this truly was the face of hell.


Everything went black.

While the man in black just smiled.

??? “You have met with a terrible fate, haven’t you~?”

Giovanni took a good look as the Viridian Gym floors in front of him. Damn, he would need to close the gym for another five months to a) clean the damn carpet. Blood stains like all fuck and takes forever to get out and b) he needs to come up with a good alibi for the sudden disappearance of a young trainer and c) be outta town by the time the bodies “mysteriously appear” in the Viridian Forest. But first, he brings out a cellphone to call an old friend.

Giovanni: “Hey, Hey Samuel. It’s me. Yeah, call your Grandson and relay him the message. The kid was a fluke, just like all the other before him.”

“Reset everything.”

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