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Live Blogs Let's Play FFIV: The After Years
SomeColorMage2012-01-17 16:49:44

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The next tale on our list is Edge's. Let's see how things are doing around Eblan.

We start off in a battle controlling Edge. Okay, let's introduce him.

Edward "Edge" Geraldine

Class: Ninja

Edge is mostly unchanged from FFIV, but is a lot less frail. He's got Ninjitsu, which has some better abilities than it did in FFIV, Throw, which is same as usual, and replacing Steal is Mug, which is Steal, but also does damage. Very nice. He's definitely one of the better characters, but as this Tale will prove, that's a very low bar.

We've been put up against four other people, but they're having problems even hitting Edge and fall in one hit each. We win easily.

Zangetsu: ...Just as I would have expected, Master.

Well, I guess it was just a training exercise. It seems that training in this world comprises of getting beaten up and not much else.

Gekkou: Even with the four of us together, we were like mere children against your assault.

Izayoi: We are still lacking in every way.

Tsukinowa: Truly, you have earned your name as master of our clan!

Edge: Quit buttering me up like that. I've gotten far more out-of-shape than I care to admit.

Tsukinowa: I have heard many tales about the great feats you accomplished in the past. Could it be that you are still holding back to protect us from injury?

Izayoi: Hold your tongue, Tsukinowa.

Edge: Don't worry about it. I'd rather you give it to me straight and say what's on your mind.

Zangetsu: You are tolerant as always, Master. Sacrificing your own time to offer each of us your training... I, Zangetsu, could hope for no higher honor in my lifetime!

Edge: It's only because you all practically twisted my arm to do this.

Gekkou: We cannot afford to have Eblan's traditional ninja arts fade away into history, Master.

Edge: Don't you think we'd be better off without these lethal weapons we call arts?

Izayoi: But your arts can be used for far more than the taking of someone's life, Master. As long as we have yet to meet our full potential... We must continue to strive for the limits of human ability!

Edge: Maybe if the times called for that, but we're living in an era of peace. So why work so hard at this? Wouldn't you rather have some fun with your lives? Especially a woman your age, I might add.

Tsukinowa: Ah, our wise master understands even a woman's heart.

Uh, no, he doesn't. Just ask Rydia and you'll get tons of evidence to the contrary.

Tsukinowa: !

Zangetsu: What is it, Tsukinowa?

Edge: What the...!?

Obligatory shot of the twin moons.

Music: Damcyan Castle (Before anyone says anything, Damcyan and Eblan used the same music in FFIV)

We return to Edge in the throne room of Eblan.

Seneschal: That dreadful moon has returned! Oh, what is the meaning of this?

Edge: Oh, calm down, old man.

Seneschal: How could one possibly stay calm at a time like this!?

Edge: If you don't, you'll give yourself a heart attack. Then who would pester me?

Seneschal: Your Young Highness!

Edge: See? You know I hate it when you call me that.

Just to make things clear, Edge has been called "Your Young Highness" since FFIV. That's 17 years. Edge is 43 during TAY. So either the seneschal thinks someone in their mid 40s is young, in which case he may be senile, or he's really, really bad at compliments.

Seneschal: I could hardly imagine calling you anything else, Young Highness!

I'm starting to think it's a little of both.

Seneschal: And now that Eblan finally got itself back on its feet, this moon again rears its ugly head... I fear this may not be the only specter from the past that we will see once again...

Edge: Enough.

Seneschal: Your Young Highness...

Edge: Seneschal, what would our soldiers and citizens think if they saw you like this?

Seneschal: I apologize, my lord. I bow before your wisdom. You are truly the son of our late beloved ruler and queen!

Edge: Right. Watch the castle for me.

Edge starts to leave.

Seneschal: Your Young Highness! Where are you going?

Edge: Off on a bit of business.

Seneschal: At a time like this!?

Edge: Mm-hmm. So watch the castle for me, all right?

Seneschal: Please... please don't do anything reckless, Your Young Highness!

Edge: Stop worrying so. It's not good for your heart or my ears.

We're now in control of Edge. Not much we can do, though, aside from grabbing a few items and leave.

???: Where might you be going?

Oh, it's one of those four.

Edge: Gekkou...

And in jumps another.

Zangetsu: If there is something...

And another.

Izayoi: ...that needs to be done...

And the last one.

Tsukinowa: ...then please, allow us to handle it!

Edge: What do you mean?

Zangetsu: You intend to investigate the return of the second moon by yourself, do you not?

Gekkou: The moon is causing severe unrest within Eblan as we speak.

Izayoi: Please make use of us if there is a need for reconnaissance.

Edge: What're you talking about? I'm not doing anything like that.

Tsukinowa: Master, the seneschal is right! You always try to bear all the burden by yourself!

Izayoi: Please, Master! Let the four of us share that burden!

Edge: I've yet to decide whether any of you are ready for such a mission.

Tsukinowa: Then let this mission be a test of our readiness!

Edge: ...

Zangetsu: Besides, we can ill afford to have our leader away from his kingdom right now.

Edge: I already asked the seneschal and the rest to handle my affairs.

Zangetsu: It may not be long before that tower is set in motion again, my lord.

Edge: That tower...

Music: Tower of Babil

They still really need to tear that thing down.

Edge: All right. You're on.

Tsukinowa: I knew you would understand, Master!

Izayoi: Your orders, then, sir.

Edge: Let's get one thing clear first.

Gekkou: What would that be?

Edge: ...Don't throw your lives away in vain. They are too valuable to waste

All: Yes, Master!

Which character would you like to play? (Waxing Moon)

Yep, it's character select time. We have to choose the order in which they'll do their parts of the story, and each one's in a different moon phase that can't be changed.

Now, from what I've heard, there's somewhat of a puzzle here that's been Lost in Translation. You see, each character has a moon related name that you're supposed to use to figure out who's best when. The problem is, most of us don't know Japanese. I don't either, but I've got the translations ready:

Gekkou: moonlight

Izayoi: sixteenth night (That's the Full Moon)

Tsukinowa: moon halo

Zangetsu: morning moon

So, Izayoi's obviously Full Moon and Tsukinowa's presumably New Moon. The other two are a bit harder to tell, but I guess "morning moon" means Waxing Moon, leaving Gekkou with Waning Moon? Hell if I know. Anyway, I guess next time we'll start Zangetsu's portion of the tale.

Due to the nature of this tale, I can't really do stats until the four scenarios are over, just so you know.


HeroicJay Since: Dec, 1969
Jan 23rd 2012 at 1:02:56 AM
Funny, I've always seen it recommended that you play Tsukinowa first - his is one of the easiest scenarios, and he has more shop access than the rest of the ninjas (Edge aside) combined.
SomeColorMage Since: Dec, 1969
Jan 23rd 2012 at 2:11:12 AM
It's not like any of the four missions are actually that difficult, though.
ThAlEdison Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 13th 2012 at 8:34:11 AM
From what I'm seeing Gekkou - High HP & Strength & hammers therefore Waning Izayoi - High Spirit & Healing & femaleness & bows therefore Waxing?!? Tsukinowa - Boomerangs & speed therefore New Zangetsu - High Intelligence & Old manness therefore Full