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Live Blogs Let's Play FFIV: The After Years
SomeColorMage2011-12-30 20:25:57

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The Master of Fabul

Hello all, let's get started on Yang's Tale. The tale doesn't bother starting us out with a proper intro, instead we get Yang beating the crap out of his disciples. Par for the course then. Let's get the character description out of the way:

Yang Fang Leiden

Class: Monk

Yang is one of the badasses of the game, with the moustache to prove it. As in the last game, Yang uses Claws to change the elemental and status properties of his physical attacks, which really only gain in power as his Strength increases. They still hit really damn hard though. His special abilities are Kick, which is the same attack-all ability as in FFIV, Focus, which is the same charged attack as in FFIV, and Cover Counter, which allows him to take all physical attacks for one character and counterattack whenever he takes a hit because of it. In other words, unless you choose Item, Yang will use his turn to tear something to shreds.

We get the three other monks to faceplant pretty quickly.

Music: Fabul

Yang: Passable enough, but you need to push yourselves harder - all of you.

Monk: We bow to your greatness, Master Yang!

Monk: Even as king, your prowess has not changed one bit!

Yang: True strength lies within the heart, not in the body. Have the heart to trust in your companions and strength will follow each one of you.

???: Father!

A young woman joins us.

Yang: Yes, Ursula?

Ursula: Please, Father, I beg of you! Allow me to train with you!

Yang: My answer is firm, my daughter.

Ursula: But why not!? I may be a princess of this kingdom, but even more than that, I am a proud citizen of Fabul! Is it so wrong of me to become stronger in mind and body?

Yang: You have no need to be stronger.

Ursula: But... Father!

Chancellor: M-M-Master Yang!

And now an old guy joins us.

Chancellor: Urgent news, Your Highness!

Yang: What is it?

Chancellor: Please, let us discuss it in the throne room...!

He leaves.

Yang: Ursula, listen to me. You are the crown princess of Fabul and you should not forget your position. (To the monks) And neither should any of you.

Monk: Yes, Master!

They leave, so now it's just Yang and Ursula.

Ursula: ...

And then she just runs off, so now we can actually do something, like grab some supplies. It's not theft this time! I think. Not like anyone will miss a couple of Potions anyway.

Also, after 17 years, that crossdressing monk will still dance for us. Not sure if that's dedication, or just plain disturbing.

Let's just head for the throne. We're met by the chancellor, Shelia, the former king (the Duke Consort) and a few monks.

Yang: ...

Sheila: Ursula again?

Yang: Yes, Ursula again. I cannot help but wonder where that stubborn streak of hers came from.

Sheila: That'd be you, hon. Without a doubt. I might be a little obstinate at times, but I've never held a candle to you!

Yang: I know, I know. We don't have to go through this again...

Chancellor: Pardon me... Master Yang?

Yang: Ah. My apologies. So then, you had something to tell me?

Chancellor: I am not sure how to put this, my liege, but dark shadows seem to be looming over Baron.

Yang: You must be mistaken. Cecil would never lead his nation awry.

Chancellor: Some reports state that several Crystals are now in Baron's possession.

Yang: What? That's preposterous!

Duke Consort: Your Highness...

Yang: "Yang" is good enough, my duke.

Duke Consort: There is no denying the praiseworthy acts you and Cecil performed to save our land. However...

Yang: However?

Duke Consort: Baron's last ruler was a similarly renowned knight and still his heart was blighted by evil in the end.

I think this guys got his facts wrong. The short version is that the last king of Baron was killed by an evil turtle and became Odin. No evil heart there.

Yang: I refuse to believe such a thing could happen! Not to Cecil, of all people!

Duke Consort: But if that were not the case, how would one explain why Baron is suddenly gathering Crystals again?

Yang: Both Queen Rosa and Cid are in Baron and would stop such a travesty. What are you proposing is simply too outrageous.

???: Master!

Oh look, more monks.

Monk: The princess has escaped! She wriggled out of the guardsmen's grasp!

Yang: Not again...

Sheila: Off to Mount Hobs, no doubt.

Yang: Let me handle this.

Chancellor: But something must be done about Baron, Your Highness.

Yang: My trust in Cecil remains firm!

Monk: Let us come along with you, Master!

Yang: Well then, time to depart!

Monk: Yes, sir!

Two generic monks join us. Screw them, they're not important.

And now we can leave. So, in conclusion, Yang has no idea what pattern recognition is, the Duke Consort can't tell the difference between a turtle and a Norse god, and we're chasing down a Rebellious Princess. This is gonna be such a fun chapter... See you next time.


Yang: Lv 15 HP:600 MP:20 Strength:30 Speed:11 Stamina:20 Intellect:4 Spirit:5 Attack:39 (4x83% Accuracy) Defence:18 (1x40% Evasion) Magic Defence:5 (0x5% Evasion)

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