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Live Blogs It's the Wandoliveblog! Let's play MySims Kingdom!
Nyperold2012-11-22 20:29:11

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So, I cast off for Rocket Reef.

LYNDSAY: So I've been doing some reading on Rocket Reef... Apparently, the waters there are patrolled by a man-made breed of cybernetic superfish. Also, their chief export is Science! Isn't that fascinating?

BUDDY: Hey Lyndsay, if my hat blew off into the ocean, would you dive in to rescue it?

LYNDSAY: Where did THAT come from? Do you even listen to me when I talk?

BUDDY: Well, yeah, but not when I'm thinking about hats!

We moor at a metallic dock and venture forth onto an island with gray soil. It also looks rocky. There are trees around.

LYNDSAY: Wow. This is Rocket Reef? Where is everybody?


Something crashes loudly, making us all fall down.

BUDDY: Holy cats! What was that, pal?!

Near the dock is a crater with a chest in it. I open it for a few Simoleons, and night vision goggles in Costume Corner. I climb two sets of metallic stairs, and am made to climb a third. Now we see a man with glasses, white spiky hair, and a lab coat; a woman with relatively dark skin, short purple hair, an orange hair clip, and a lab coat; and a black-haired man with a goatee and an orange janitor's outfit, sweeping. The white-haired man speaks...

DR. F: BWAH-HA-HAH!! Did you see that, Alexa? That was amazing!

ALEXA: It was an amazing failure, Doctor. Your experimental rocket exploded on launch!


ALEXA: Our lab blew up, too. And so did our test pilot...

DR. F: Occupational hazard!!!

If you think that's a little cold, wait 'til you meet the test pilot.

Also, Dr. F walks off.

VIC: Alexa, you don't really expect me to clean all this up, do you? The entire lab blew up!

ALEXA: Vic, we hired you to be the janitor. Of course I expect you to clean it up.

VIC: Aw, c'mon! All I have is a broom!

Vic walks off, dejected.

ALEXA: We are SO behind schedule right now! I need to hire some more help...

She notices us, and approaches.

ALEXA: You guys! You aren't here for the safety inspection, are you?

LYNDSAY: Um, no...

ALEXA: Great! You're hired! I need you to go find Tobor.

BUDDY: What's a Tobor?

ALEXA: Tobor's our test pilot. He should be somewhere nearby. You go find him while I sort out Dr. F's latest catastrophe.

DR. F: The 'F' stands for ROCKETS!!!

LYNDSAY: Okay... ...Guess we'll go look for this Tobor?

Long before I heard of the My Sims series, perhaps even before there was a My Sims series, I thought of a robot called "Tobor". The idea was that he had laws based on the Three Laws, only in reverse order. I'm not sure how close this one comes to being like that, but I don't think they took it from me. Not that I'd care much.

Anyway. Time to find him.

TASK: Repair the T.O.B.O.R. Unit

The task tells me I'm looking for a robot head. This would be useful if a) I didn't already know that, and b) he weren't a few yards away, wiggling conspicuously.

T.O.B.O.R.: Dr. F, my creator, totally blew me up! With a rocket! Talk about bad parenting... I guess I need someone to walk around and find all my parts and pieces. I'd do it myself, if my LEGS hadn't been BLOWN OFF.

Of course, I need to be the one who does this. There's one, in fact, not far away, so I inspect it...

TOBOR PART: You found a piece of Tobor! Keep looking until you find them all!

There are 13 parts total, but before I continue...

DR. F: If you ask me, I say don't find that robot! It was bad science! My next robot will have 12 claws and be the size of a small planet! However, I am concerned about how to distribute the claws for maximum destructive power!

ALEXA: Have you found that crazy robot yet? Sheesh, I've never seen such an explosion.

VIC: Real sweeping is cool, but I'd rather be playing Virtual Sweeper X...

From the lab area, I go down a flight of stairs, but rather than go back further toward the dock, I go left and down a slope. Down here are the 2nd & 3rd parts, and a fishing spot that I'll fish at later. I go back past the slope and jump up the path a bit. Near a water tank is another part, and a chest with Rockets and Mana in it. Off a side path is a mining spot that I'll mine at later, another two parts, a chest with Gold, Mana, and the Hi-tech Design Scroll within

SCROLL: Hi-tech Design Scroll

It requires 15 Happy, 10 Metal, and 20 Rockets. The Rockets are the only thing I'm lacking in.

There's also grass up here, which goes Banana, Rocket, Simoleon, Robofish.

Back up the slope I keep mentioning, and back up the stairs. I cross the bridge from the back of the lab, where I find another part near a wide gap. I walk off and fall... then notice the set of stairs nearby. I mark it with a Wooden Archway so I can see it.

North of there is another fishing spot, and another part. To the south is a garden of Banana trees and a Rocket tree. Behind the tree is a chest with Bronze, Mana, and Sapphire in it.

Near the other bridge is another part. Across that bridge is yet another part.

Up the stairs from there appears to be a training and recreational area. There's a non-functioning G-force endurance tester, a non-functioning arcade machine, and a working treadmill. There are stairs up to two non-functioning computers.

Up one set of stairs and down another, I find my Sim in a crater that's functioning as a launchpad. There are two parts in here, as well as the base of a rocket. I hop onto a rock, when gives me a boost to the rim of the crater, where I can open a chest with Rockets, Mana, and Dr. F's Mad Science Scroll inside.

SCROLL: Mad Science Scroll

It requires 5 Robofish, 10 Sad, 10 8-Balls, and 5 Angry. I already have the needed Angry.

The Rockets in the chest put me over the minimum required to unlock the Hi-tech Design Scroll, so I go find Lyndsay. She's over in the area down that first slope.

LYNDSAY: This stuff looks really hi-tech!

Now I can make a Hi-tech Bed, a Hi-tech Composite Chair, a Hi-tech Chair, a Hi-tech Sofa, a Green Recliner, a Launchpad End Table, a Hi-tech Dining Table, a Hi-tech Coffee Table, and paint with Hi-Tech Paints.

I go back up and talk to Tobor.

T.O.B.O.R.: Yeah, what is it? Oh, you found my bits! Let's take a look... Hmmm. Arms... Check. Body... Check. Various bits of scientific wonder that make up my internal organs... Check and double Check. Wait a minute. Something is missing! OMG LEGS! WHERE ARE MY LEGS?!

The head turns and looks at the training area.

T.O.B.O.R.: Oh, there they are, over there! Argh! Kara, you'll have to go over there and guide those dimwitted appendages back over here. And make it snappy!

I got 50 KP from that last task.

This one...

TASK: Leg Herding Extreme

I have to chase Tobor's legs across a turning land bridge and over to Tobor's head.

I do so.

T.O.B.O.R.: Thanks Kara! You're pretty good, for a human. Now let me see if I can remember how to reattach all these...

In a whirl of dust, he does so.

BUDDY: That was NEAT! Do it again!!

T.O.B.O.R.: You did an amazing job, Kara! You even got rid of a nasty burr in my rotator!

'The next time I need worked on, can I make an appointment, or should I just pull your tail?'

We all go over to where the scientists are.

ALEXA: Tobor! You're back! And you're okay!

T.O.B.O.R.: Yeah, I'm great. I just came back here because there was something I want to tell you.

ALEXA: Go ahead, Tobor. You can tell us anything.

T.O.B.O.R.: You guys are nuts! I quit!!!

ALEXA: What?!

T.O.B.O.R.: You fleshies blew me up one time too many! I'm gonna find my own destiny.

Readers of my last My Sims-series liveblog (and players of the actual game) may recall what we learned about that T.O.B.O.R.'s... origins, if not his destiny.

Anyway, he walks off.

ALEXA: Aw, c'mon, Tobor! Where am I supposed to find another test pilot?

Vic tries to get their attention once for every line until...

DR. F: Let's order a monkey online!

ALEXA: Monkeys are too expensive! We're overbudget as it is!

DR. F: MONKEYS ARE AWESOME!!!, when he tries repeatedly, until...

ALEXA: Agreed, but they're crafty, too. They wouldn't get anywhere near one of your deathtraps. We need to find someone cheaper and dumber than a monkey.

She looks at Vic.

ALEXA: Problem solved.

He finally stops. If I weren't liveblogging this, I'd be through that pretty quickly, but I'm typing up their dialogue, which slows me down.

ALEXA: Vic! Old buddy, old pal! How would you like a promotion?

VIC: YEEESSS!!! I get to fly into space!'

Assuming, of course, that the rocket doesn't blow up on the launchpad.

ALEXA: You sure do! Head over to the training area and get yourself ready.


He goes.


ALEXA: Alright, alright! We'll get started rebuilding the lab right away, Dr. F. Hey, if you guys are still on the clock, we could use all the help we can get. Thanks!

LYNDSAY: Well, Kara, what do you want to do? We could help Dr. F and Alexa rebuild the lab... We can assist Vic Vector with his astronaut training... Or we can help Tobor follow his dreams!

We got 25 KP from that last task.

So, now that we've met everyone, let's get their profiles:


He was designed to be Dr. F's personal crash dummy, but Tobor has dreams of his own! Dreams with a lower chance of detonation, like owning and operating his own diner! His plastic heart melts for grilled cheese sandwiches.

His interest is food, as indicated by the icon of a red pot with a face on it.

Dr. F

Dr. F is on a quest to launch a rocket into the depths of space... or to explode it into a million pieces. Whichever comes first, he's not picky. Now that he has a secluded lair of his very own, his science will know no limits!

His interest is Tech, as indicated by the icon of an aqua-colored rocket with a face on it.

Vic Vector

When Vic joined Dr. F's space program, he dreamed of fame and glory. Little did he know his job would entail sweeping the lab and cleaning test tubes. Still, Vic hasn't given up hope: he still trains on his Plane vs. Eye "simulator" every night and dreams of piloting his way to the stars.

Tech again...

Alexa Lexington

Although technically Alexa is Dr. F's assistant, she is actually the brains of the operation. If it wasn't for her, Dr. F couldn't even get his lab coat on straight, let alone construct a rocket to launch! At least that's what she thinks...

And again.

Now, we have three new tasks we can pursue:

TASK: Centrifuge Blues

Vic has a scroll for me.

TASK: I, Tobor

As does Tobor.

TASK: The Lab Scroll

And Alexa.

I'll be doing these in an order that makes the most sense to me. First, it's off to the training area to talk to Vic.

VIC: This treadmill is nice, but to really train to be an astronaut I need to clock some hours on that centrifuge! Too bad it's busted. Oh! I know! Dr. F threw this Scroll in the trash the other day, but I bet it's just the thing we need to fix that rocket ride. Let me know when you've finished it.

SCROLL: The Gearbox Scroll

I need 30 Springs (I have 12) and 10 Onyx. I set to treasure-finding, which yields Mana, of course, and Electrobits, Stone, and the Onyx I seek. Once I have enough of that, I go back to the mining wall. Mining there yields Mana, Metal, Bronze, and Springs. After a while, I have enough, so...

LYNDSAY: This should help with Vic's training!

Now I can make Gear Boxes! What? Just that? Yes, but it is a pretty useful item. I return to Vic.

VIC: Hmm. Let's see. Yeah! This will totally do the trick... Alright, Kara, let's talk about using the gearbox. That steam-o-tron there is making the gear spin one way... But in order to link gears to this centrifuge's axle you'll have to make the gears turn a corner. That's where the gearbox comes in! If you can get any side of the gearbox spinning, it will make all the rest of the sides turn as well! Isn't that rad? Corners get owned with the awesome power of the gearbox on your side! Try it out, Kara! You'll have to use at least one gearbox to hook that centrifuge up. Good luck!

TASK: Shape Up to Ship Out!

I don't need luck, just the gearbox, belts, gears, my wand, and my brain.

I attach a medium belt to the gear on the steam-o-tron, the gearbox to the other end, another medium belt to the near side of the gearbox, a short belt to the other end of that, a gear to the other end of that, and a gear underneath that, and voila!

VIC: Oh man, that's such a rush! I just hope it doesn't make me hurl. Thanks, Kara.

He gives off Mana, and I get 50 KP.

I run on the treadmill for a bit. It's a decent source of Angry, as well as the Sad I'm looking for. Someone riding the centrifuge is a fair source of Happy, Scary, and Stars. After that, I go see Alexa.

ALEXA: Here you go, Kara. Take this Scroll — it will help you rebuild the lab! It should contain techy gizmos that Dr. F will require for his lab to be "SUPER PLACE OF MUCH SCIENCE" or something.

SCROLL: The Lab Scroll

It requires 10 Wood, 20 Metal, and 15 Electrobits, all of which I have.

LYNDSAY: I bet we can build some really neat things with this stuff!

Such as an In/Out Go Machine (door), a Dual Exhaust Roof Pipe, a Covered Roof Pipe, a Vent, a Security Camera, a Satellite Dish, Dr. F's Potential Energy Generator, a Roof Gauge, a Switchbox, a Small Lab Platform, a Large Lab Platform, a Metal Fence, a Toy Robot. Also, I can paint with Metal Paints.

ALEXA: Well we can't do anything until we have a proper lab to do it in. I heard you're pretty handy with that wand, Kara. Think you can help me with my problems?

I set to clearing the debris from the explosion. Then, I build a lab.

ALEXA: Nice work, Kara! Maybe we can actually get some work done this time! Let's go inside...

She gives off Mana, and I get 50 KP.

ALEXA: Now we need to mix up some rocket fuel. All you need to do is connect up those spouts on the wall to each of these three fuel tanks using pipes. We'll calibrate the fuel tanks while you do that. The connection point on the tanks is located on the very top; you can't miss it!

It's a good thing there's an invisible drain or something on the floor, because there's apparently no valve to the spouts: like the water pump from before, the liquid just gushes regardless of whether you've positioned it properly or not. I can only imagine what that's doing to these Sims' lungs...

TASK: Alexa's Fuel Mix-a-Thon!

Anyway, I connect the spouts to the tanks with Short Pipes, Long Pipes, Elbow Pipes, and a T-pipe. When a tank is connected, the clear part turns red. With all tanks connected, I talk to Alexa.

ALEXA: Nice! This fuel is measuring at 497% explosiveness. That's excellent.

I get 50 KP. I leave the lab for some fresh air, or at least, air where the non-fresh elements are at least dissipated so it's not as strong.

At the training area, I talk to Alexa again.

ALEXA: Hmm, this isn't any good. We need these computers to be working in order to complete our pre-flight test. Here, you'll need this Scroll for an electrical generator. Come talk to me when you've finished that.

TASK: Computer Troubles

SCROLL: Electricity Scroll

I need 5 Robofish, 5 Electric Eels, 5 Metal, and 5 Springs. The Metal and Springs I have enough of, but I only have 2 Robofish and 1 Electric Eel. Fission — I mean, fishing time!

I go back to the fishing spot down the slope near the lab. I catch Piranha, Electric Eels, and Robofish. And... the Rightful Boot! I continue to fish until I have enough Robofish for the Mad Science Scroll, as well, but then I go to Lyndsay to unlock the Electricity Scroll.

LYNDSAY: Awesome! Now we can hook up these computers!

I gain the ability to make Electric Generators, Short Wires, Long Wires, Elbow Wires, and T Wires. Basically, the Electrical version of the Water stuff.

TASK: Computer Power

ALEXA: Wow, that was prompt! Good work! No let's see... We need these computers to be working in order to complete our pre-flight test. Can you hook up some electrical power here?

ALEXA: Okay, Kara. Here is how this is going to work...

DR. F: I WILL EXPLAIN IT!! You must attach the Dr. F Hyper-Charging Fenergy Converter to my Deluxe Steam-O-Tron! You must then connect the CompuTerminals to the Fenergy Converter with sections of my Tri-Phasic Superconducting Transfer Conduits! THEN THE SCIENCE WILL CONTINUE!

ALEXA: I think what he means to say is just hook a Power Generator up to anything that is spinning, just like you would with a Water Pump... Then simply connect wires from the plugs on the generator to the plugs on the back of the computers. It's pretty simple, Kara. I'm sure you'll do fine.

So, I connected one Power Generator to the belt nearest the arcade machine, and another to the belt nearest the computers. Then I used the wires I was given to connect to all three electrical devices.

ALEXA: Alright! I'll run some launch simulations here. Why don't you see what the others are up to?

She gives me a new scroll, and I get 50 KP for hooking up the computers...

TASK: Training Vic

...and another 50 for hooking up the arcade machine. This machine, by the way, plays Plane vs. Eye, which was a game that Arcade Machines in My Sims played, and it was the game your Sim seemed to be playing in My Sims Agents when you were solving the puzzle games on the machine on the HQ's top floor.

SCROLL: Comp-U-Scroll

The Scroll Alexa gave me require 5 Sapphires, which I have, 20 Metal, of which I have 5, and 15 Electrobits, of which I have 10.

But rather than deal with that yet, I go see Tobor.

T.O.B.O.R.: Oh, you cam to help me out, Kara? You ARE a cool human. Okay, this Scroll is our first step! Good luck!


This scroll requires 5 Sea Urchins, 20 Bananas, and 20 Metal. I have all the Bananas I need for now, but that's it. The name, by the way, is a taste of things to come.

For Sea Urchins, I need to fish from the dock near where Tobor is. It also has Robofish to catch, and is another source of Crab, but I don't need those at the moment; perhaps I should've waited to stock up on Robofish. After this, I get enough Metal to complete the Scroll, and go see Lyndsay.

LYNDSAY: Oh, this stuff looks so cool!

Very generic line. I think she says it when the game's writers ran out of things to specifically say about the things we unlock. If I remember, I'm going to skip it when she says that and just go straight to telling you what I can make, and save her lines for when it's something new.

Anyway, I can now make Metal Bridge sections, Metal Bridge Rails, Metal Archways, C.O.L.U.M.N.s, p.i.p.e.l.i.d.s, p.i.p.e., P.i.p.e.s, P.I.P.E.s, D.O.O.R.s, W.I.N.D.O.W.s, S.I.D.I.N.G., Eat at T.O.B.O.R.'s! decorations, and Bulletin Boards. I can also paint with Stucco Paints.

TASK: Tobor's Bridge

T.O.B.O.R.: Nice, Kara. Next step is to get us across this gap! Can you build me a bridge?

I start with Metal Bridge sections, but before I continue, I cross and scope out the grounds. There are a few stalks of grass, and off to the right is a Rocket tree... and a Crystal Flower!

Back to bridge-building. I rail off the sides, put P.I.P.E.s on the outsides of the rails, and put the Eat at T.O.B.O.R.'s! decorations (little fat rocket shapes) on the rails at the ends.

T.O.B.O.R.: Nice bridge building, dude. Let's check this place out!

I get 50 KP.

TASK: Tobor's Dream Diner

T.O.B.O.R.: Okay, now it's time to build my place of business! That's right, Kara, I'm gonna have my own Diner! No way I'm gonna get blown up making grilled cheese sandwiches!

I build it with Medium Base Blocks and a lot of the new stuff.

T.O.B.O.R.: Thanks for building me a diner. Robots have dreams too, you know! I appreciate it!

He gives me a robot costume and throws off some Mana, and I get 50 KP.

TASK: Tobor's Ads

T.O.B.O.R.: The only thing left to do is get the word out. And that means a well-coordinated advertising campaign! Oh boy! Okay Kara, time to break out those billboards. Let's place them around the island so I can post these cool fliers I totally drew myself. I think one billboard here, one at the lab, and one by that monkey's training grounds should do the trick!

The game calls them Bulletin Boards. We will see a billboard later, don't worry.

I place them at the locations he wanted, and when he's done...

T.O.B.O.R.: You are a darn fine marketing partner. It's been a pleasure doing business with you!

I get 25 KP, and we automatically go to the lab area.

DR. F: Preparations are complete! Now, only one thing remains: THE CEREMONY!!!

ALEXA: Oh, please, not this again... Not the sandwiches!

DR. F: SANDWICHES! Everyone must eat sandwiches in honor of our brave pilot. LET THERE BE SANDWICHES!!!

ALEXA: What do you want me to do? Conjure up some sandwiches out of thin air?

T.O.B.O.R.: Well, I just happen to know a place where you can get a good sandwich at a great price...

Now we're at the diner.

T.O.B.O.R.: Welcome to Tobor's Diner: Grand Opening!

ALEXA: (sigh) Thank you, Tobor. As you all know, Vic Vector has accepted a position as our new test pilot. To commemorate the occasion, Dr. F would like to say a few words. Dr. F?

DR. F: We are gathered here today to honor the memory of Vic Vector...

VIC: Hooray! ...wait... MEMORY?!'

DR. F: He was a good janitor, strong and true. His sacrifice will not be forgotten.

VIC: 'Sacrifice?!' Wait a second, is this dangerous or something?

Vic... how do I put this gently? The last pilot exploded with the rocket, and his parts were strewn across the island. Somehow, I don't think I'll be able to gather your parts so you can reassemble yourself and quit your job should the same thing happen.

ALEXA: No, no. You'll be fine.

DR. F: Death by blowing up is not the best way to go — probably the worst! But Vic knew it was all for the greater good.

VIC: But I don't wanna blow up...

DR. F: Let us mourn the loss of this brave man with a tasty lunch. EAT YOUR GRIEF SANDWICHES! CEREMONY COMPLETE!!!

TASK: Be a Hero

ALEXA: It looks like Vic is having second thoughts about the launch. We need to restore his confidence. Kara I need you to make Vic into a hero!

Mmm, I wonder if Tobor can make a hero...

Anyway, time to Socialize with Vic. I can Cheer Up or Talk About Space; I try the latter. He's worried. I can Talk About Explosions or Talk About Games; Games it is. Now he's Geeking Out. I can Talk About Plane vs. Eye, Debate Class Balancing, or Discuss Space Monsters; I go for Plane vs. Eye. He's Totally Geeking Out. I can Discuss Plane or Discuss Eye; I discuss Plane. He's Pumped, so I can Convince to Be Hero. He gives off Happy Essences.

ALEXA: Thanks for helping Vic out. It really looked like he needed a confidence boost.

I get 25 KP, and an indication that Tobor has a task now.

TASK: A Fun Farewell

I enter the diner.

T.O.B.O.R.: My diner's a hit! Now we just need some entertainment. You know, something to keep them here and keep em' ordering sandwiches! Don't worry about plugging any of those fun objects in either; things inside just get power automatically.

SCROLL: The TV Scroll

It needs 10 Sad, 5 Angry, 5 Scary, and 10 Happy. I already have that, so...

LYNDSAY: Nice work, Kara. Now we can make televisions!

Indeed we can: regular Televisions that have to stand on something, and Television Screens that need a wall.

By the way, while I was typing Lyndsay's line there, I got an Octopus essence. Like in My Sims, those occasionally come from using the sink.

SCROLL: Eat at Tobor's!

This scroll needs 30 Springs (almost there!) and 20 Bronze (got it).

I head back over, and stop at the treadmill to get myself some more Sad. Once that's replenished, I go back to Lyndsay.

LYNDSAY: Wow, more restaurant stuff? This should be good!

Now I can make Work Lamps, Round Diner Counters, Square Diner Counters, Garbage Cans, Canned Goodness, Salt 'N Pepper, Diner Stools, and C.L.O.C.K.s, and paint with Ham Paint.

So, back at the diner, I satisfy its requirements.

T.O.B.O.R.: Great! This is just what the chef ordered! I hope Vic is having a good time, seeing as how he's gonna blow up soon and all.

He gives me a new scroll.

SCROLL: Cooking with Tobor

It requires 5 Electrobits and 25 Metal. I have the Electrobits already.

Back at the training area...

TASK: The Rocket Scroll

ALEXA: Here's another Scroll for you, Kara! This one should unlock your wand's ability to make a rocket!

I need 40 Rockets and 5 Robofish. The Robofish I have, but I need more Rockets. I shake the trees for them, and it's almost enough. I mine for enough Metal to complete the Cooking with Tobor scroll...

LYNDSAY: Let's see what we can 'cook up' with this!


Now I can make Placesettings, Refrigerators, Sinks, and Stoves, and paint with Glass Tile Floor Paint.

Then I shake a Rocket tree and get enough rockets for The Rocket Scroll.

LYNDSAY: Kara, you can build rockets now!

Specifically, I can make Rocket Boosters, Rocket Capsules, Rocket Fins both large and smallish, Rocket Midsections of two different types, Rocket O-Rings (...that's not what I thought an O-ring was, and I think the Wikipedia article agrees), and a Rocket Top.

You'll always be, home sweet home to meeee...

TASK: Build the Rocket

ALEXA: Okay, Kara, it's finally time. You should get down to the launch pad and get started on that rocket while we run some last-minute checks in the tower.

I put together a rocket with more than the required 20 Tech, and talk to Alexa.

ALEXA: That rocket looks positively space-worthy! What a change! Well, time to hit the big red button...

ALEXA: I've programmed the flight path. We have to go now or we'll miss our launch window.

You will wait until I'm finished transcribing, missy, or I'll... have to go back to my last save...?

ALEXA: Vic! It's time!

He gets a few dramatic camera moves, then nods. We cheer as he passes us on the way to the launch pad, with the exception of Tobor, who laughs at his probable fate. On the rim of the launch pad crater, he stops, gets some more dramatic camera moves, and...

VIC: Vic Vector: Space Hero. I like the sound of that.

He walks down the steps, the gangway extends, he walks onto it, turns, salutes, and enters.

ALEXA: Launch sequence initiated!

A Simlish countdown ensues, with dramatic camera angles on the ship, the control crew, and the spectators. At "Bla-ZOOOOM!" the rocket takes off.

DR. F: NOOOO! I forgot to fill the boosters with German potato salad! We should hit the self-destruct button!

ALEXA: No, I think he'll be okay! He's just entered the stratosphere!

DR. F: But just to be safe, I'm hitting the self-destruct button!

ALEXA: NO! Bad Dr. F! Why did we even GIVE you that button?! Now let's see if we can make contact...

After some typing...

ALEXA: Base to Eagle...come in, Vic. This is Alexa.

VIC: ...bzzt...bzzzzzzz...

ALEXA: Uh-oh...We seem to be getting some interference.


ALEXA: Quiet! I'm reading some kind of giant orb in space, and it''s emitting highly focused energy right at Vic!

Now, why does that sound familiar...?

ALEXA: I'm recalling the rocket immediately!

LYNDSAY: Ooh...I hope Vic is okay!

ALEXA: Wait!! He's re-entered the atmosphere!

The rocket lands, and Vic emerges.

VIC: Woo hoo!!!

He returns over the stairs.

VIC: You guys! That was amazing! I got into space and this giant eyeball attacked me with lasers! Good thing I trained so hard on that simulator, right, Kara? Anyway, when I was re-entering orbit, I saw something amazing! There were lands I've never seen before! I took a picture of them with my phone so you can add them to your map! Sorry if they're a little blurry — I was going 8,700 miles per hour.

LYNDSAY: Hooray! Ready to explore some new lands, Kara?

VIC: Hey, Kara, just one more thing... Now that I've been in space, there's only one other thing I want out of life. I want to see every action figur ever made! If you find any collectible Figurines on your quest, come show them to me and I'll give you a cool reward, 'K?

I get a spacesuit. And 100 KP!

TASK: Figuring Figurines

And now you know what those Figurines are for. Vic stays up at night, standing on the rim of the launch pad crater, so I can talk to him then without needing to wake him up.

VIC: Hey, it's a figurine of Tim, that lovable scamp with the dog head hat. I hear he lives in a remote part of the Kingdom. Like, really remote. Like, so far away you can't get there.

That is actually true. Anyway, he gives off Electrobits. Each figurine you show him gives you 5 KP. And one is enough to push me to the next King Level!

GUILLERMO: Chitter-chitter!

BUDDY: Here, Guillermo! Over here, boy!

LYNDSAY: Ooh, I hope Guillermo's bringing more maps!

No, just a copy of Pan's Labyrinth.

He comes down and tosses Buddy a scroll.

BUDDY: 'Dear, Kara. I've heard about all of your hard work, and I have fantastic news!'

You're going to learn how not to confuse the greeting with the signature?

BUDDY: 'I've discovered a brand of fat-free cupcakes that taste just as good as the original! Oh, also I'm giving you some more rewards and new maps!'

He rolls up the scroll.

BUDDY: Yikes! Don't hurt me, Lyndsay! I'll give you the maps right away!

LYNDSAY: Relax, Buddy. I don't freak out EVERY time I see a map.

Buddy hands it over.

LYNDSAY: OMIGOSH THESE MAPS ARE AWESOME!!! Kara, as soon as we're done here, let's go explore!

I get Wandolier outfits and...

SCROLL: Building Blocks Scroll

It requires 30 each of: Apples, Bananas, Pears, and Cherry Blossoms.

I harvest enough Bananas.

During the day, however...

VIC: So, do you play World of Plane vs. Eye? I'm on the Eyescourge server with a level 55 Planemage.

VIC: Time for Vic Vector, hero of all humanity, to blast into space to preserve our future. Wish me luck!

...I can't talk Figurines with him. I'll come back later, I guess.

I return to Capital Island to log my fish with Barney.

BUDDY: I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'O'.


BUDDY: Omigosh! How did you guess?

LYNDSAY: Buddy, it was 'ocean' the last seven times you said 'O'.

BARNEY: Hey! That's an Octopus, Kara! They're a cousin of the squid, but instead of ink, they spit fireballs! Ha ha! Like a wizard!

He gives off Electrobits, enough to satisfy that part of a Scroll's requirements.

BARNEY: Huh? That fish...IS A ROBOT! Kara, I never seen anything like that before, but I bet it has hidden laser cannons! Be careful!

He gives off Mana.

BARNEY: Holy Jibs! Look out, Kara, that's a Sea Urchin — the scourge of the seas! The spikes of that guy are harder than diamonds, and he can shoot 'em out to about 100 meters distance!

He gives off Apples.

That's all for fish, so it's time for a new island, and again, I'm giving you the choice! Between the new King Level and the story event, we have four new islands that you can send me to:

  • Candypalooza
  • Forest of the Elves
  • Cutopia
  • Spookane

A reader mentioned a certain rocking elf, and where he lives is pretty obvious from this list, I hope, so if you want me to go there next, I will. On the other hand, Cutopia is the place where I can let on about the flowers and armor I've been accumulating. Or you can choose one of the other two!

Next time: Your choice of one of four islands!


EndarkCuli Since: Dec, 1969
Dec 10th 2012 at 4:06:26 AM
My oh my, look at all of those options! And of these radically different locations, I think that I would most prefer finding out more about Spookane. My reason for this is, while I certainly enjoyed the antics of that elf from your previous project, there was also a fanged female I'm interested in that didn't get much time in the spotlight due to her supposed antagonistic role. And if I was searching for a lady that wanted to bite my face, Spookane is where I would start my search. However, should anyone else prefer you take a different path, I would insist that you listen to them instead; I've been the sole suggester plenty of times in the past, and I'd feel bad for discouraging others from speaking their mind.

As always, I am enjoying how your updates are both descriptive and highly amusing. Keep up the good work...oh, and Happy Holidays!