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Live Blogs Makai Kingdom: So it shall be written, so it shall be liveblogged
WillyFourEyes2011-12-03 09:21:47

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Pram is curious about The One's appearance, and asks Babylon if he can help. He says that all he remembers is that The One had lots of hair and a glossy sheen. Why The One would hide from the other Overlords is a mystery. Drake surmises that it's to avoid being attacked by idiots like him.

Out of The One-knows-where, Trenia walks in on the conversation, waving to something off-screen. Alex thanks Trenia again for giving him the information needed to track down Zetta. Trenia tells Pram that she sent a "new friend" to go play with Zetta, which makes Pram wonder if that was "The One".'s more corn...and some Apple Kids, too. Zetta vows to abstain from eating vegetables forever, but the corn man tells him that he tastes delicious. Zetta gets mad at the corn talking down to him, and threatens to "butter [him] up and season to taste".

Stage 7-2: Kind-hearted Micky

The corn dude and a group of his vegetable and fruit friends are guarding an RX-66 Helldam. Lucca sees the giant mecha and stares at it with curious eyes.

"These guys look kinda dangerous, so I'm going to hang back here and let you guys do all the work for a change," says Meredith.

Caerbannog hijacks the Helldam and plays with it for a bit while the others tear up the scenery. The next area is a bridge that's dotted with weeds and other crappy trees, which they cut down to reveal a group of stray bandits. Caerbannog tries to soften them up with gunfire, but is unable to do so because he doesn't have that much experience driving vehicles. It doesn't matter as much anyway, since Steve, Tessa and Ryuunosuke are there to make the save.

"Aw, man," says the heroic carrot man. "And we don't even get to take it with us!"

"Don't worry," says Steve. "I'm sure we'll find others...somewhere."

Stage 7-3: Micky Photosynthesis

"This looks like it could be easy," says Leonard. There's hardly anybody guarding this area.

"All right! LRV Strike team, advance!" Vanessa barks as she, Leonard and Ryan take the field.

Ryan giggles as she puts her flamethrower to one of the corn men. "You always did love the taste of popcorn," he says, "but...don't you think you're overdoing it a bit?"

"Are you kidding? They love this sort of thing. If we weren't meant to do this, the Overlord wouldn't have made them out of corn."

Ignoring the death cries of her victim, Vanessa continues to torch him and his pal, when they notice that there are more up ahead.

"Check it out! There's even more food on that field over there!" says Steve. "And it's not walking on two legs or anything!"

"Eww...leave that alone!" says Zetta. "You don't have any idea where it's been!"

Stage 7-4: Reverent Micky

The team finds itself in the middle of a blood-stained football field for the next area.

"Okay, what the hell just happened?" says Zetta. "Is this your idea of a joke, Micky? You really ARE a softy."

However, Zetta was unlucky enough to have spawned right on the center live, with two opposing teams - one made of carrot men in front of him, and another of apple men behind him. Neither looks friendly, but the carrot men appear to be more hostile (as they have the standard life meters compared to the yellow ones for the apple men, which is normally reserved for neutral characters). Curiously, there are no goalposts on either side, but there are stronger carrot men and apple men serving as goalkeepers. Zetta's forces attack the Carrot team, only to discover another football field behind them, with a Foods market capable of spawning even more carrots to the field. It turns out that the apple men are as interested in defeating the carrot team as much as Zetta is, so they ignore Zetta's goons and go after the spawn on the other side. After a few turns, it is revealed that the apple men have their own team of ever-spawning fruits and vegetables, but by defeating the carrot side, they've saved themselves the need to do any more fighting, and are allowed to continue.

New Map Effects

  • Tree Planting Project: Summons Wood Folk and tree-type resources.

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