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Live Blogs Getting Your Edge Back: A Skating Liveblog
TheGirlWithPointyEars2010-12-10 14:50:49

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It's Monday again, and you know what that means. Time for another issue of Pointy's Pointless Skating Blog. Where the humor is always edgy and the readership is apparently like my ability to do a proper spin: hard to find evidence of.

So, what annoyed me this week? Well, the tyke brigade was out in force again with their teachers. Yes, I get the appeal of trying to teach your toddlers at a time that won't cost you money. Yes, they are cute. But with several very fast skaters around (yes, there were quite a few more people this time. The colder weather must be making more people think about it.) changing direction in an instant, it can also be dangerous. Seriously.

Also, the zamboni apparently malfunctioned and there are these annoying ridges in certain places on the ice. Wonderful. At least they weren't that annoying once you got used to them. Now, if you're just skating along, this isn't such a problem (and what you'd get on natural ice is probably as bad), but I don't want to try anything difficult on them.

Now for the good. Backward-forward turns progressing apace. Although it can still stop my momentum a bit. Backward skating in general better. And the spin I've been mentioning as difficult, including at the beginning of this entry? A bit better, I may be starting to get the hang of how to balance it properly. Still needs speed.

On that note, I'll sign off until Wednesday. Tune in then for the next episode: Defrosting Ice Queen or Cold Comfort?

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