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Context YMMV / KashimashiGirlMeetsGirl

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1* AdaptationDisplacement: The anime is very different from the manga but is more popular nevertheless.
2* AlternateCharacterInterpretation: It's a rather incredible coincidence that the aliens accidentally transformed a boy into a female body, yet could only make the change work one way, and it just happened to be a boy who wouldn't mind being a girl. It's so "convenient", people have theorized that not only was Hazumu a transgender girl to begin with, but that the aliens deliberately gave Hazumu a female body because she unconsciously wanted one. They could have even pretended it was an accident to avoid outing her, and just said it was irreversible so Hazumu wouldn't feel pressure to reverse it.
3* AngstWhatAngst: After Hazumu was rejected by the girl she confessed her love to, she gets killed, has her gender permanently switched, both of her parents start treating her differently, and the press begins hounding her about her transformation. She takes most of it in stride.
4* BigLippedAlligatorMoment: In the third book, during the preparations for the field games, there is suddenly a page featuring a guy tied upside-down and hanging over a hungry alligator. In the other panels of that page, several other competitors (all male) are being constricted/eaten by snakes. There was no pretext for this, no one who isn't being eaten implies that this is in any way weird, and it is never mentioned again.
5* OneTrueThreesome: At least a significant amount of the fanbase actively wanted Tomari, Hazumu and Yasuna to all get together, and were disappointed when it didn’t happen.
6* LesYay: Between Ayuki and Tomari, differently in the manga and anime.
7* {{Narm}}: The reason Yasuna is attracted to women? [[spoiler:She can't see men.]] No, seriously. It's so silly that it actually kind of borders on being offensive.
8* ShipToShipCombat: Thanks to the love triangle, Hazumu/Tomari vs Hazumu/Yasuna.
