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Context Timeline / GuardianGhost

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3! Distant Past
4* George and Frank deal with their Enforcer problem (1???)
5! 1990s
6* Dave is born (August 22nd, 1992)
7* Clarence/Clara are born (January 12th, 1993)
8* Max is born (August 27th 1996)
9* Clara gets leukemia for the first time, survives it (1996-1997)
10! 2010
11* Dave dies of unknown causes (Jun-July 2010)
12* Clara's leukemia makes a comeback (October 2010)
13! 2011
14* Clarence and Clara turn 18 (Jan 12th, 2011)
15* Clara dies from leukemia complications, Clarence slips into water a week later, this triggers their Ghost/Spirit link (Late January, 2011)
19[[folder:Main Series]]
22!!!Prologue (May 18th 2012)
23* Max gets hit by a car, Dave revives him
24!!! (not shown in series...yet)
25* Max spends all summer recovering from his injuries (May-August 2012)
26* Max turns 16 (August 27th 2012)
27!!! Chapter 1 (September 8th 2012)
28* Dave and Max meet again, and deal with their very first Enforcer that night
29* [[spoiler: Meanwhile, Clarence has his hand bitten by a tiny Enforcer]]
30!!! Chapter 2-4 (September 9th 2012)
31* Dave and Max try to figure out what is happening to them and why, Max figures out how Dave saved his life.
32* They meet with Frank (and Dave meets George)
33* Max and Dave meet Clara, and later Clarence.
34* Clara discusses the nicknames and the Ghost/Spirit/Enforcer terms with them
35* They have their first "field fight" and Max shows off incredible power
36!!! Chapter 5 (October)
37(I'll do this later)
