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1->''"Pregnancy is a kind of miracle. Especially so in that it proves that a man and woman can conspire to force God to create a new soul."''
2-->-- '''Creator/RobertAntonWilson'''
4[[MemeticMutation How is]] [[ babby formed?]] Read these pages and find out!
6Comes after SexTropes if [[ButWeUsedACondom you're not lucky]], and is followed by BirthTropes if [[ConvenientMiscarriage you are]]. Unsurprisingly, unless there's a MisterSeahorse involved, these tropes are AlwaysFemale.
13+ PregnancyDoesNotWorkThatWay
15* AbortionFalloutDrama: Terminating a pregnancy causes conflict or drama.
16* AdoptionInducedPregnancy: Finding out you're pregnant after adopting a baby.
17* AllLesbiansWantKids: A lesbian couple wants biological kids.
18* BabiesEverAfter: The work ends with the main couple at least on the road to becoming parents (often by showing the woman becoming pregnant or giving birth).
19* BabiesMakeEverythingBetter: If a couple have a problem, having babies will resolve it.
20* BabyBeMine: A woman goes to extreme lengths to have a child.
21* BabyFactory: Women treated as little more than glorified breeding machines.
22* TheBabyTrap: Somebody tries to deliberately get pregnant without her partner's permission so that they (according to her at least) will have to stay together. Alternatively, a man might try to get a woman pregnant without her consent to force her to stay.
23* BackToTheWomb: A character is returned to the womb, usually by some form of regression or time travel, often while retaining their adult mind.
24* BornFromADeadWoman: A child is born after the death of the mother.
25* BreedingCult: A {{Cult}} that focuses on having many children, either to breed a "master race," or to breed a MessianicArchetype.
26* BreedingSlave: A character or group of characters that are used for breeding against their will.
27* ButICantBePregnant: Someone's pregnant but they thought she or her partner was infertile, they [[InterspeciesRomance were a different species]], she was too old to have kids or otherwise it seems impossible for her to be pregnant.
28* ButWeUsedACondom: Two people have sex and they use a condom but one of them gets pregnant and/or one or both of them get an STD.
29* ChildByRape: Somebody was conceived by rape.
30* ChocolateBaby: When a mother and father of the same race/ethnicity, or the same species, are gleefully awaiting the birth of their child, only for said child to be born racially mixed or with some attributes that could not have been biologically passed on from the father.
31* ChosenConceptionPartner: Someone decides they want to have kids with someone else in particular, despite not being attracted to/in a relationship with them.
32* ConceiveAndKill: A man and a woman have sex because she wants a baby, then when she's pregnant, she kills him.
33* ContraceptionDeception: Pregnancy is caused or prevented because someone lied to their partner about birth control or their ability to conceive.
34* ConvenientMiscarriage: A woman has a miscarriage because [[StatusQuoIsGod having a baby would shake up the work too much]] or it's convenient for her because she doesn't want kids.
35* DeathByChildbirth: A woman dies in childbirth.
36* DeliverUsFromEvil: A female villain accidentally gets pregnant and undergoes a HeelFaceTurn.
37* ExpressDelivery: The opposite of the Longest Pregnancy Ever: a woman is pregnant for an unrealistically short time.
38* FakePregnancy: A woman lies and pretends she's pregnant.
39* FeelingTheBabyKick: Someone feels the baby kick inside the mother's belly.
40* ForcedMiscarriage: A pregnant person is forced to miscarry.
41* FunnyConceptionStory: A memorable way a baby was conceived.
42* GiveTheBabyAFather: A woman is pregnant and a man who's not the father proposes to her to protect her honor in a society that frowns on sex/conception outside of marriage.
43* GoodGirlsAvoidAbortion: Virtuous women don't want to get an abortion, even if they don't want kids.
44* HandOnWomb: A woman rubs or places her hand on her belly and it serves as the way the audience finds out she's pregnant.
45* HeirClubForMen: The king wants specifically a son to be his heir. Sometimes, a daughter will do, but he'd prefer a son.
46* HideYourPregnancy: A Trivia page: when the actress is pregnant but the character isn't, measures are taken so her baby bump is not visible.
47* HonorableMarriageProposal: A woman getting pregnant (for real or [[ParodiedTrope mistakenly]]) results in the father (or another man) offering to marry her.
48* IWantGrandkids: One or two people want their adult daughter or daughter-in-law to get pregnant so they will be grandparents.
49* ImperiledInPregnancy: A pregnant woman [[DamselInDistress in danger]].
50* KnittingPregnancyAnnouncement: Somebody finds out a woman is pregnant because she's knitting baby clothes.
51* LamazeClass: A {{sitcom}} character who's pregnant enters a class that teaches her exercise to do with dealing with labor pain.
52* LatePregnancyRealization: A woman doesn't realize that she's pregnant until she's either late in her pregnancy or has already gone into labor/given birth.
53* LawOfInverseFertility: A character who wants to be pregnant struggles to conceive, while a character who doesn't want to be pregnant conceives easily.
54* LawOfInversePaternity: If the audience wants someone to be the father of a baby or fetus, he's likely not, and vice versa.
55* LongestPregnancyEver: A pregnancy that lasts a ridiculously long time.
56* LukeIMightBeYourFather: It's not certain who a child's biological father is because the mother had sex with more than one man at the time she was impregnated.
57* MakingRoomForBaby: Moving to a bigger place to make space for a new baby.
58* MamasBabyPapasMaybe: A man doesn't know for certain that he's the dad of his partner's baby.
59* MandatoryMotherhood: A character doesn't want kids but society expects them to have them or face negative consequences.
60* MaternalImpression: Non-genetic traits imparted to a child by circumstances during conception or pregnancy.
61* MaternityCrisis: A pregnant character goes into labor at the worst possible time.
62* MedicalRapeAndImpregnate: A woman is forcibly impregnated artificially.
63* MissConception: Someone doesn't know where babies come from.
64* AMistakeIsBorn: A couple have a biological child by accident and see the actual child as a "mistake".
65* MistakenForPregnant: Someone mistakenly believes a woman to be pregnant.
66* MorningSickness: Pregnant women throw up in the morning.
67* MySecretPregnancy: A woman is pregnant and tries to keep her pregnancy a secret.
68* MysticalPregnancy: A woman gets pregnant by spiritual means, like by magic or from God's essence, or there is something else supernatural about the pregnancy.
69* NewChildLeftBehind: The woman hears that she is pregnant after the father had to go away.
70* NoPreggerSex: A straight couple avoid having sex while the woman is pregnant.
71* NotWantingKidsIsWeird: Someone states that not wanting to start a family is both unusual and negative.
72* ObsceneOBGYN: When the OB-GYN takes advantage of their patients.
73* ObviousPregnancy: Someone has a baby bump right at the beginning of her pregnancy.
74* OneDrinkWillKillTheBaby: Pregnant ladies refuse to drink alcohol out of fear that the fetus will get sick/die.
75* OneNightStandPregnancy: A short fling that leads to a pregnancy.
76* PanickyExpectantFather: When a woman is in labor, the dad freaks out.
77* PillowPregnancy: A woman stuffs a pillow up her shirt so that people will think she's pregnant.
78* PregnancyMakesYouCrazy: Pregnancy hormones make you act weirdly.
79* PregnancyScare: A woman worries that she might be pregnant but actually is not.
80* PregnancyTestPlot: A character takes a pregnancy test.
81* PregnantBadass: Someone temporarily becomes an ActionGirl while heavily pregnant.
82* PregnantHostage: A pregnant woman is taken hostage.
83* PregnantReptile: A non-mammal bears live young.
84* PrematureBirthDrama: A baby is born long before the due date and, as a result, has to be hospitalized since he or she can't survive otherwise.
85* PromBaby: Going into labor at prom.
86* ShotgunWedding: Someone forces another person to marry somebody else, usually, though not always, because the bride is pregnant.
87* SomeoneToRememberHimBy: Someone finds out she's pregnant when the father (who's her lover) has recently died.
88* StigmaticPregnancyEuphemism: People don't want other people to find out that someone is pregnant because she's not married, so they make excuses.
89* SurpriseLitterOfPuppies: Someone's pet has had babies/gotten another animal of the same species pregnant, and they didn't know the female was pregnant.
90* SurpriseMultipleBirth: A woman gives birth to more babies than she and/or her husband were expecting.
91* SurprisePregnancy: A woman doesn't realize she's pregnant.
92* TeenPregnancy: A teenage girl gets pregnant.
93* TragicStillbirth: Stillbirth PlayedForDrama.
94* TraumaticCSection: A woman's fetus is violently removed from the uterus.
95* WackyCravings: A pregnant woman wants all sorts of strange food and drink.
96* WhatIfTheBabyIsLikeMe: A pregnant character and/or her partner worries that certain unpleasant or inconvenient genetic traits will be passed on to the baby.
97* WhosYourDaddy: A woman is pregnant and doesn't know who the father is.
98* WombHorror: Pregnancy or its related imagery, played for horror.
99* WrittenInInfirmity: The actor is injured or sick, the writers have to compensate; this sometimes includes pregnant actresses.
100* YoureDrinkingBreastMilk: Someone accidentally drinks breast milk instead of regular milk.
101* YourTomcatIsPregnant: An animal is mistaken for the opposite sex (the most common being an animal that is thought to be male but then gets pregnant.)
