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5[[folder:In General]]
6[[GovernmentAgencyOfFiction Section 13]] is a government intelligence facility commanded by Captain Black. The "J-Team" is what Jade calls the Chan family's various allies.
8* BadassCrew: Jade likes to think of Jackie's friends as being like a superhero team, [[YouWatchTooMuchX much to his disbelief]].
9* BadassInDistress: They all get their turns in needing rescue.
10* BadassNormal: None of them have any special powers when fighting demons and wizards, although they use magic objects.
11* TheBusCameBack: During the last season, El Toro, Paco, and Viper appear only in a brief non-speaking appearance in "Black and White and Chi All Over", but show up for the FinalBattle in "The Powers That Be (Part 2)".
12* EmpoweredBadassNormal: They've all been temporarily transformed into something not quite human at least once.
13* FiveTokenBand: If you count both the Chan Clan and J-Team together, they're a diverse bunch. The Chans are Chinese, Tohru is Japanese, El Toro and Paco are Mexican, Viper is {{ambiguously brown}}, and Captain Black is the only member of the group to be an unambiguously non-Hispanic white American.
14* GoodPaysBetter: Section 13 has dental plans and every Thursday is "Donut Day". It's the latter which brought Tohru over.
17[[folder:Captain Augustus Black]]
19[[caption-width-right:279: Whoa, Nellie!]]
20-->''The only King I bow to is [[Music/ElvisPresley Elvis]], and I don't see [[OracularHead you]] wearing blue suede shoes.''
22-->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/ClancyBrown
24The head of Section 13 and Jackie's long-time friend. He's skeptical of the Chans' talk of magic, until he finally witnesses Shendu with his own eyes.
26* AesopAmnesia: Even after learning that the supernatural is real, he sometimes forgets Uncle's advice that "MagicMustDefeatMagic". As such, he still tries using mundane weaponry against powerful demons, without success.
27-->'''Uncle:''' All these years, Black has learned nothing. [[TakesOneToKillOne Magic must defeat magic]]!
28* AgentScully: In Season 1, he never believes in anything supernatural, [[SkepticNoLonger but then he sees Shendu in full demon form, the palace the demon summons, and the portal to another dimension with more like him]]. From Season 2 onward, he's AgentMulder, [[ContagiousCassandraTruth much to the concern of his superiors]].
29* BadassLongcoat: He is almost always seen with a black jacket, suggesting it's part of his secret agent uniform.
30* BadassNormal: Like Jackie, Black has no powers. Also like Jackie, he still kicks super-powered evil butt.
31* BaritoneOfStrength: He's voiced by Clancy Brown, so this is a given.
32* BewareTheNiceOnes: Throughout the series, it's shown that when the Tiger Talisman splits a person into yin and yang twins, the yang side is usually a sickeningly passive wimp who doesn't want to fight. [[spoiler:In Black's case... it's just him as he normally is; a badass. Granted, at the time his yin was being influenced by an Oni mask.]]
33* BewitchedAmphibians: When he's left to watch Uncle's Rare Finds in "The J-Team", he tries casting a chi spell. He manages to turn himself into a frog.
34* BigGood: TheLeader of Section 13 which is the vanguard of humanity against human criminal organizations and demon forces alike.
35* ButtMonkey: He tends to get injured fairly often. And after Season 1, he gets no respect from his superiors for his claims about magic and demons.
36* CatchPhrase: "Whoa, Nellie."
37* TheCaptain: The man in charge of Section 13.
38* NamesToRunAwayFrom/{{Colors}}: Averted: despite his surname being Black, he's one of the good guys. However, when he's possessed by [[spoiler:an Oni Mask]], he remarks at one point his surname to be appropriate for being the color of Darkness.
39* ContagiousCassandraTruth: After witnessing demons and magic firsthand, he tries to report it to his superiors, but they decide he's gone crazy. When he's subjected to an inkblot test, he thinks all the images are demons!
40* DarknessVonGothickName: Averted; despite his surname being Black, he's one of the good guys. It's played straight and lampshaded by him when he's possessed by [[spoiler:an Oni Mask]].
41-->'''Captain Black''': Black, a fine name. The color of darkness.
42* EmpoweredBadassNormal: There's a couple of occasions where Black has gotten his hands on the Macguffins, including the Ox Talisman [[spoiler:and the Sumo Khan Oni Mask, which leads him to replace Section 13's human agents with the Shadowkhan]].
43* FriendOnTheForce: He helps Jackie stay out of trouble with the authorities.
44* IncorruptiblePurePureness: He manages to resist the corruption of an evil Macguffin... [[spoiler:until Tarakudo tricks him into releasing Shadowkhan using the Oni Mask]].
45* InkblotTest: He's forced to undergo this in "Rumble in the Big House". All he sees are "Demon. Demon. Socks... worn by a really big demon."
46* InterpolSpecialAgent: When Jackie last saw Black six years before the start of the series, Black was working for Interpol while secretly laying the groundwork for Section 13.
47* JackOfAllStats: Unlike most of the other cast, he's not remarkably strong, fast or durable, but he's shown to have a decent fighting prowess in those few times he's actually seen in hand-to-hand combat.
48* TheMenInBlack: Even though originally, his official job was just law enforcement against normal criminals, Captain Black finds himself having to help the Chans deal with containing supernatural threats as well, which Section 13 (and its parent organization) aren't very familiar with.
49* MissionControl: For Jackie and his J-Team allies on adventures where magic isn't the main concern, he provides logistical support in his base.
50* MortonsFork: Before he believed in magic, he was incapable of dealing with magical threats due to lack of intel and expertise. After he was convinced magic existed, his superiors refused to believe him, questioned his mental health (especially when magical items went inert), and ''still'' didn't provide him with the resources needed to deal with magic.
51* OvershadowedByAwesome: He's the badass leader of a secret agency equipped with state of the art weapons and scientific equipment, but compared to Jackie, his family, the J-Team, and the supernatural villains, he just can't compare because they don't have a magic department.
52* ReasonableAuthorityFigure: Understandably skeptical of the supernatural, until he sees proof firsthand at the end of the first season.
53* SuperpoweredEvilSide: [[spoiler:When he ends up wearing an Oni Mask, then Jade splits him into good and evil halves with the Tiger Talisman, the evil half is the one still wearing the mask.]]
54* TokenWhite: Among the good guys, he's the only significant and unambiguously Caucasian character.
55* WrongGenreSavvy: He'd be perfect as the M figure in a SpyFiction series. Unfortunately for him, he's in a chopsocky martial arts fantasy and way out of his depth.
58[[folder:El Toro Fuerte]]
60[[caption-width-right:240: He sleeps with his mask.]]
61-->''This is no costume, Captain Black. This is a way of life.''
63-->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/MiguelSandoval
65A Mexican wrestler who Jackie meets on his search for the Ox Talisman. He becomes a friend who occasionally helps the Chans on their missions.
67* {{Acrofatic}}: He's somewhat stout, but still an agile fighter.
68* BadassInANiceSuit: If he's not wearing his wrestling outfit, he usually wears a formal business suit and will wrestle in that instead.
69* BadassNormal: He's introduced with the [[SuperStrength Ox Talisman]], but (excluding more serious fights) never uses it after his first episode.
70* BecomingTheMask: El Toro is known by all of Mexico as a great wrestler in his debut episode, but in reality, he wins all his fights with {{super strength}} granted by the Ox Talisman. Happily, the [[BrokenPedestal unveiling of his sham in front of his greatest fan]] sets him on the path of becoming the honorable luchador he had merely pretended to be.
71* TheBigGuy: After Tohru, he is the big and heavy hitter for the J-team.
72* BrokenPedestal: Paco is heartbroken after his idol is proven to be a fraud, but after witnessing how El Toro decides to stop using the Ox Talisman to win his fights, this trope switches to RebuiltPedestal.
73* BroughtDownToBadass: While he's near invulnerable with the Ox Talisman, he's still a very strong fighter without it and losing the Talisman doesn't turn him into a wimp.
74* CatchPhrase:
75** "El Toro Fuerte [[MaskedLuchador NEVER removes his mask!]]"
76** "Sorry."
77* EmpoweredBadassNormal: He was once infected with the Curse of the {{Chupacabra}}, which forcibly turned him into a goat-eating monster every night.
78* TheFaceless: Subverted. Despite his catchphrase, we get several looks at his face throughout the series, mostly not of his own accord.
79* FakeUltimateHero: In his debut appearance, he was the greatest wrestler of Mexico, but he secretly used the Ox Talisman to secure his position. After the humbling destruction of his image, he decides to fight honestly, defying this trope for the rest of the series.
80* FriendToAllChildren: He's quite nice to both Paco and Jade. During the finale, he takes a moment to affectionately address a baby.
81* GentleGiant: A really nice guy, despite the mask and muscles.
82* GladiatorGames: He first appears in the [[RewritingReality Demon]] [[VillainWorld World]] duology as a gladiator fighting for the amusement of Xiao Fung.
83* GratuitousSpanish: He only uses Spanish when talking to Paco and his family.
84* HeroicBSOD: After the Dark Hand take the Ox Talisman away from him and Paco, heartbroken to know his idol is a cheater, runs away; El Toro is left feeling ashamed and unworthy. Fortunately, after Jade demands him to help saving Jackie and he decides to stop using the Talisman once and for all, he regains his idols' admiration and his own self-respect.
85* TheKlutz: He has a tendency to act impulsively, often accidentally injuring Jackie in the process.
86--> "[[ApologisesALot Sorry.]]"
87* {{Leitmotif}}: Slow Spanish guitar strummings.
88* MaskedLuchador: Masked wrestling is both his day job and his way of life.
89* MeaningfulName: His name means "The Strong Bull" in Spanish.
90* MightyGlacier: {{Downplayed}}. He's about as strong as Tohru. He's also fast and agile, but not as agile as Jackie or Viper.
91* NoNameGiven: [[OnlyKnownByTheirNickname "El Toro Fuerte" is his stage name]].
92* ParentalSubstitute: He servers as a fatherly figure to Paco, who seems to not have any parents of his own.
93* PowerLossMakesYouStrong: El Toro rarely uses the ox talisman after his debut episode yet is frequently shown as a capable fighter without it.
94* TheRival: To Tohru in his initial episode. In his second appearance, they briefly get into another scuffle due to a misunderstanding, but after it was explained that Tohru was [[HeelFaceTurn now good]], they become close allies.
95* SpandexLatexOrLeather: Spandex in his wrestling costume.
96* StoutStrength: He has a noticable gut, but muscular arms and pecs and he is shown to be roughly as strong as Tohru, who is also an example of this.
97* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: The episode "Aztec Rat Race" reveals him to have musophobia, a fear of mice and rats.
98* WouldntHurtAChild: Jade [[CombatPragmatist takes advantage of this]].
99* WrestlerInAllOfUs: Even without the Ox Talisman, he's strong enough to enter a BrawlerLock with the more massive Tohru.
104[[caption-width-right:240:El Toro is the greatest!]]
105-->''El Toro is the greatest!''
107-->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/FrancoVelez
109El Toro’s self-proclaimed "biggest fan", who apparently is apprenticed under his idol. If El Toro is near, expect him to not be far behind.
111* AbhorrentAdmirer; He seems to have a crush on Jade. To say it isn't reciprocated is an understatement.
112* AmbiguouslyAbsentParent: His parents are never mentioned. El Toro -- who may or may not be his legal guardian -- serves as a [[ParentalSubstitute father-like figure]] to Paco.
113* BirdsOfAFeather: In most episodes, his personality is basically a slightly more jerkish version of Jade's. In an interesting example of this trope, rather than making them instantly get along it's usually thanks to this trope that they fight so much - but at the same time, they are able to drop it and be friends in a moment whenever they need to.
114* CatchPhrase: "El Toro is the greatest!"
115* CharacterizationMarchesOn: He was more of a JerkWithAHeartOfGold in earlier episodes, but becomes more passive and childish in later episodes - possibly because of fan reaction to his earlier personality.
116* TheDragAlong: Though he is not necessarily unwilling and is generally quick on the uptake, it's usually Jade pulling him along on their adventures - especially during the J-Team episodes, where "Jade sneaks off with Paco in tow while the adults are distracted and saves the day" is a running gag.
117* {{Fanboy}}: Self-professed to be El Toro's biggest fan.
118* GratuitousSpanish: He sometimes speaks Spanish, but mostly just talks in English to his friends.
119* HeroWorshipper: El Toro is Paco's ideal in both professional aspirations and daily life.
120* HeroicWillpower: [[spoiler:Of all the Oni Mask wearers, he's the only one who manages to pull it off all by himself.]]
121* HiddenDepths: [[spoiler:He shows how much of a hero he can be when he manages to break free from the MindControl of one of the Oni Masks.]]
122* IKnowYouAreInThereSomewhereFight: At the center of one in Season 4 because of an Oni Mask.
123* KidSidekick: For El Toro like Jade is for Jackie, but the difference is that El Toro is more receptive to the idea, at least as far as the wrestling ring.
124* LegacyCharacter: Looking to become a luchador like El Fuerte. He's even got a miniature version of his costume in season 4.
125* MyDadCanBeatUpYourDad: While it's an uncle and a personal hero involved, the argument plays out the same. Repeatedly. "Jackie!" "El Toro!" "Jackie!" "El Toro!"
126* NonActionGuy: Though he tries to, he just can't fare in action as well as Jade. In the GrandFinale, [[spoiler:Jade tosses the Sheep Talisman to Paco, which leaves him out of most of the FinalBattle]].
127* PintSizedKid: Like Jade, he remains at that same height throughout the series.
128* SuperpoweredEvilSide: [[spoiler:In the Halloween episode, he puts on the Squid Khan Oni Mask, and calls himself "El Paco Diablo".]]
129* TagalongKid: One more time, he hangs around El Toro.
130* VitriolicBestBuds: With Jade. As earlier said in BirdsOfAFeather, they can go from fighting to cooperating very quickly.
131* VocalEvolution: His voice started deepening in season four, no doubt due to his actor undergoing puberty.
136[[caption-width-right:200: EX-super thief]]
137-->''Jackie! Hey, sorry about the double-cross...''
139-->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/SusanEisenberg
141An (ex-)thief who Jackie gets caught up with in the search for the Snake Talisman. HilarityEnsues. From the second season on, she drops in from time to time to help the Chans.
143* ActionGirl: She's an expert thief who is on the same level with Jackie in terms of martial arts.
144* AmbiguouslyBrown: She is noticeably darker-skinned than most of the other main characters, but her exact ethnicity is never revealed. The Christmas episode apparently establishes that she's Jewish, perhaps implying that she's of Israeli descent. The fact that she's also said to know Krav Maga, an Israeli martial art, also corroborates this.
145* AmbiguouslyJewish: She's voiced by a Jewish actress and she hosted a Hanukkah party in the Christmas episode.
146* AntiHero: From her second appearance onward she is an ally, but not as heroic or law-abiding as Jackie.
147* AntiVillain: During her first appearance, she is a cat burglar who is not above sabotaging agreements for her own advantage. However, she's only interested in using the Snake Talisman to advance her career of a thief, nothing more sinister. Also, she does return the Talisman after Jackie and Jade help her against the Shadowkhan.
148* BadassIsraeli: Implied. She's established as Jewish, she has a noticeably Middle Eastern appearance, and she's said to be proficient in ''krav maga''.
149* BadassNormal: Similar to Captain Black and El Toro, she's a non-powered martial artist that takes on demons and wizards.
150* BarefootPoverty: During the [[RewritingReality Demon]] [[VillainWorld World]] duology, Viper is a barefooted slave.
151* {{Birdcaged}}: She first appears during the [[RewritingReality Demon]] [[VillainWorld World]] duology as Hsi Wu's own personal singing bird.
152-->'''Hsi Wu''': Sing for me my little caged songbird.
153-->'''Viper''': [[DeadpanSnarker Twit, twit.]]
154* BrokenPedestal: Jade initially looked up to Viper, until Viper double-crossed Jackie by taking the snake talisman while giving him a fake one in exhange for the Pink Puma. She becomes a RebuiltPedestal upon abandoning her criminal ways and joining the J-Team.
155* CatchPhrase: "[I'm an] [[InsistentTerminology EX-super thief]]."
156* ClassyCatBurglar: She is very refined, graceful, and elegant, and also an extremely efficient thief.
157* CoolBigSis: Jade sees her as a role model, much to Jackie’s chagrin.
158* DarkActionGirl: In her debut episode, she was still a professional super thief.
159* DarkIsNotEvil: Before her HeelFaceTurn, she was amoral, but not particularly sinister. And though she remains as a cynical individual, she regularly assists her new friends.
160%%* Deadpan Snarker:
161* EmpoweredBadassNormal: In "Demon World (Part 2)", Jade uses the [[RealityWritingBook Book of the Ages]] to turn Viper into a {{cyborg}}, in order to give her an edge against [[MakingASplash Bai Tza the Water Demon]].
162* FragileSpeedster: She's highly agile, but she's not shown to be good at getting hit. This is shown in ''Re-Enter the J-Team'' when she has to wear a training gi in a tournament and she's more used to wearing tight spandex suits. She goes down with one hit from her opponent.
163* GenkiGirl: She is more energetic and excitable in "The J-Tots", when all the adults were turned into little kids.
164* HeelFaceTurn: After her introduction, she reforms and becomes a security consultant.
165* LastMinuteHookup: The relationship between her and Jackie is never handled beyond LoveInterest, but the finale seems to imply that this trope comes to play.
166* {{Leitmotif}}: One that reminds of old detective series.
167* LoveInterest: To Jackie, though he doesn't admit any romantic feelings for her. [[ShipperOnDeck But Jade really would love to see this happen]].
168* MsFanservice: Her most common outfit is a SpyCatsuit.
169* TheNicknamer: She often refers to Jackie as "baby face" during their first encounter and regularly refers to El Toro as "handsome."
170* OnlyKnownByTheirNickname: "Viper" is almost certainly not her real name.
171* PinkMeansFeminine: Her casual attire is usually a pink dress or shirt.
172* RecruitingTheCriminal: Jade calls her to help capture Origami, using this logic.
173* ReformedButNotTamed: She may have given up her criminal life, but she's no less sarcastic, dismissive of Jackie's efforts to abide the law or ready to utilize her burglar gadgets.
174* ReformedButRejected: She's an ''ex'' super thief, but Jackie doesn't believe her. He gradually trusts her more over time.
175* ReformedCriminal: The super thief is now a security consultant.
176%%* SheFu:
