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Archived Discussion WMG / IronMan

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Does the WMG page for Iron Man also include the comic book? If so, I want to post a theory I had about the underlying meaning of a certain story arc. -Stormtroper

Cassius335: At the very least, you need to make sure to indicate clearly you're talking about the comic.

Ununnilium: Hm. How about I separate them out like so...

Also, yoinking due to Conversation In The Main Page:

  • Ultimate Iron Man is a mutant. His mutation is that his entire body is made of brain tissue. There are times when the wildest of mass guesses can't match the silliness of professional writers...
  • Ulty Iron Man is actually even weirder than that - he's not technically a mutant, but rather, thanks to a genetically-engineered disease his mom caught from a laboratory while giving birth to him (or something), his entire body was "reformatted into biological computronium in the womb". No Seriously.
  • And the same regenerative virus lets him regrow his legs at one point, not to mention wearing a "bacterial armor" that would literally eat the skin off anyone else.

  • At that point, it's become Post Traumatic Badass Disorder.
    • Post Traumatic Badass Disorder? That sounds like a new trope name if I've ever hear done!

Haven: I do wish people would do the research before saying something like "Bruce Wayne has PTSD". I hate it being used as a buzzword, and rather like that the movie's view was that Stane was bullshitting when he offered that as an excuse for Tony's actions.
