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Archived Discussion VideoGame / Aquaria

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Skarmory The PG: ...wait. The Creator is the ghost boy?! Where did you get that?

Praetyre: Watch the ending. The ghost boy, the same one we see in the Sunken City, who forms the mother and who points us to the Body, comes out of the Creator and states that he tried to create replicas of his mother, and we see flashbacks to the various creatures such as the Forest Goddess. It is stated explicitly by Naija that the Dryads had been killed by a "greater god" than the Forest Goddess, but that he couldn't destroy the Forest Goddess. Also, I'm pretty sure it's confirmed by Word of God, too.

Skarmory The PG: Guess it's time to replay.

Praetyre: I think that the Li subplot is significiantly spoilery (threads on the official forums can't mention it directly in their titles) to justify the trope name itself being spoilered, as for much of the game you are under the impression Naija is the only living, intelligent creature around.

Skarmory The PG: She is. Ahem. My reasoning is mostly that the plot is well underway by the time you learn the relevant name, but I submit to your reasoning. It being apparently oficial ruling helps.

Skarmory The PG: The 'God-killing abomination' refers to the Sun Worm. It's not a God, just something that grew jealous of the Whatstheirface's worship and decided to fix it if memory serves. The creator part was a legitimate screwup on my part, was supposed to refer to Mithala. Her species' creator? Her god? *sigh* I really oughta replay this thing sometime.

Still. Why the spoiler tag on The Veil?

Praetyre: You have a point. Not sure if the land sequences are spoilerworthy.

_: According to the Aquarian writings in the Sun Worm's cave, the Sun Worm was actually a Lumaerian architect named Marui, until he was transformed by the Creator. The story as told by the game itself is a little fuzzy on this, but I think what happened is the Creator grew jealous of the Lumaerians worshiping Sun and turned Marui into the Sun Worm so that he would destroy his own people. The writing in Mithala's chamber implies that Mithala suffered a similar fate, though again the story seems to contradict this somewhat.

For reference, the writing in Mithala's chamber is: "You have failed me. Hunger will consume you. Feast on the flesh of your own children."

At the entrance to the Sun Worm's cave: "Within lie my final thoughts - Marui the Architect"

And in the Sun Worm's chamber: "I have angered the Creator. The Erulian histories are true. For many years we worshiped Sun. We believed in Reason. The pain is becoming unbearable. The transformation is almost done. Kill me and kill our creator."

This, of course, brings up another discrepancy, since according to the flashback in the Energy Temple, the Erulians were wiped out by the Krotites. So, how their history relates to the Lumaerian's situation is a mystery.

By the way, I only got this game last weekend, beat it for the first time yesterday, and translated all the writing myself without looking up the alphabet online, so this is all pretty fresh in my memory.

Skarmory The PG: Maybe The Erulians warned the Lumaerians about their impending doom if they turn from the Creator? We don't know what was the offense that led to their wipeout, except being unable to defend against the Krotite hordes. Tangentially related, anyone else bothered by the fact Naija brings back the warlike Krotites but not the wise Lumaerians?

Upthorn: So like, Cave Story was developed over the course of five years by one Japanese man, and Aquaria was developed over the course of two years by two Canadian men and a voice actress. Developer overlap doesn't exist. Even if whoever added that was thinking about the Cave Story Wiiware port project, that's Nicalis (team from Within A Deep Forest, and Knytt Stories, not Bit Blot. I'm leaving the overlap bit on the front in strikethrough not to be rude, but so that people who visit the article again will understand that it was false.
