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Archived Discussion NightmareFuel / CourageTheCowardlyDog

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T Barb Drills: Whoever keeps bringing back the Perfect Trumpet Thingy needs to stop. Tropers have been complaining ever since and are trying to forget that thing. Why not a nice mild picture of Freaky Cousin Fred at the porch. He's based on Sweeny Todd but isn't going to give the Eye Scream picture a run for its money. AND 'DON'T replace it with KING REMESES, he's EVEN WORSE but good thing I can block him out of my memory. It's perfect High Octane Nightmare Fuel but I don't want it there either. Flaming Terminator is fine with me. Maybe I should just go away from this "Perfect"ly Nice page.

pagad: because this is the Courage Nightmare Fuel page, and that thing is Nightmare Fuel.

shadowgirl_13_chaos: I got the shit scard outa me from clicking on the page link, only to see that THING. As much as I hate it, as much as I shudder at it's very image, pagad is right. It makes sense to keep it there. It IS a Nightmare Fuel page, and it IS 100% Nightmare Fuel. But I still have to close my eyes every time I click on the page though... REVIEW: Please Don't remove the Perfect Trumpet Thingy.

Great Pikmin Fan: Well, incase the image URL is off the page history (and for Schmuck Bait), here's the link if everyone desides to ad it back:

[[folder:In case it's the image instead of the link]]

shadowgirl_13_chaos: I changed my mind. It looks better without it. Now I don't have to close my eyes and scroll down REAL fast anymore. But can we change the caption to something less obviose? There is wit bait for Freaky Fred.

Off topic here, but someone said a good nightmare retardant for king ramases was that his hair bounces around as if someone was pulling it over and over again. he/she was right! can we get a link of ramases vidio so the people who did get scared have something to laugh at?
