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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Meta Four: Copied content over from old page, "Unexpected Genre Change".


About the trope title, expected changes are okay? Also 'Such changes can add welcome variety'; if I want a change I can use the eject button & put in a different game of my choice. For a minigame, someone else is imposing their tastes.

FlameAdder:Would the space-based vert-scroll section at the halfway point of Metal Slug 3's final misson count?

Doctrain66: Took out the second example of Action 52.
Mr Death: Took out this, because it's not a genre change at all:

  • Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock had several guitarist celebrities get on stage and challenge the player in the newly introduced Battle Mode. The awful, borderline-cheating AI and weak battle mode dynamics made it unwelcome to many, and often become That One Boss in their own right.

Eric DVH: Removed, because places where Only Smart People May Pass and Puzzle Boss battles are pretty much the whole point of the series:
  • The games of Playing Tennis with the Boss may count as unexpected genre changes.
  • To get to the Master Sword in The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess, one must overcome a logic puzzle. It's actually fairly complicated and takes a while to figure out (at least it did for this troper)

Mr Death: Edited the FFVI section to be less bitchy, and removed the Metroid Prime entry because "scavenger hunt" describes the entire bloody series.

  • Metroid Prime turned into a scavenger hunt at the end. It was still, however, a great game.

Neo Chaos: Okay, just read this part -

This will be followed by Sonic Unleashed where Sonic will enter pre-scripted sequences where he'll activate a werewolf Superpowered Evil Side and switch the game over to three-dimensional brawling inspired by Devil May Cry

I'm aware of the werewolf transofrmation thing, but where the hell did the stuff about the 3D brawling come from? I know this isn't That Other Wiki, but I'd love some proof of this being the actual plan for the werewolf transformations. Removed until proven to be true.

Neo Chaos: And I now I have that proof. Adding back that sentence.

Mr Death: Took this out:

  • Perfect Dark starts off as a James Bond-style stealth shooter, but as the game progresses, the plots goes increasingly sci-fi. The first mission has you sneak into a corporate office/laboratory to rescue a scientist; the last is in outer space.

Because it's still a First Person Shooter, and that's the type of Genre this trope refers to, not setting.

Meta Four: Name of this article changed, per this discussion.
