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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Andyzero: Small nitpick. It's Yog-Soggoth.

Ununnilium: Actually, it is officially Yog-Sothoth. Yog-Soggoth seems to be a popular alternate spelling, but the trope title is true to the original.

Andyzero: Well dang, guess I'm not omniscient. Drat.

01d55: Why is this filed under Applied Phlebotinum?

Guesss Who: What example(s) is the title from?

Seven Seals: None.

fleb: It looks like it's a combination of two Billy and Mandy examples: Mandy's brain being too spicy for a brain-eating meteor, and Billy being rejected by Yog-Sothoth.

That Other 1 Dude: Actually, I remember the example not being on the page earlier, but that does seem to make sense.

Vulpy: This title has always bugged me. I move that renaming it after The Ransom of Red Chief would be more memorable. Of course, that would also involve a sort of "focus shift": the new page would probably also catch examples from situations where someone is taken away by someone else, only to be returned for being so danged annoying. (Then again, I'm a lumper.)
Alania: Removed the following:

  • In one Pinky And The Brain episode, Pinky sells his soul to the devil to allow Brain to take over the world. Pinky then ends up having loads of fun in hell because he finds the torture methods hilarious. He's just too stupid to be tortured.
    • He does become melancholy when it sinks in he's separated from Brain... Sadness is kind of a self-inflicted torture, right?

because it doesn't fit the trope: Satan doesn't kick Pinky out — he's forced to release him when he is unable to fulfill the terms of the original contract.

OffSide7: Someone help me out here.. there's a short story about two incompetent kidnappers who kidnap a boy who is such a brat that they have to pay his family to take him back (because the boy enjoys his adventure.)

Nornagest: Cut the following —

* Albrecht Becker was imprisoned by the Nazi regime for his homosexuality. While he avoided going to a concentration camp, having been arrested in the early days of the regime before any clear policy on homosexuals had been laid out, he was still beaten and mistreated while in prison. What the Nazis didn't know was that he was a BDSM enthusiast and masochist.

...for several reasons. First, it doesn't fit the trope — he was not kidnapped for some nefarious purpose, but imprisoned for what the regime considered social crimes. I doubt the beatings and mistreatment were the purpose of arresting him — just, from the perspective of the Nazis, a useful bonus. He was released only after serving his original sentence, and shows no evidence of being intolerable for his captors in any way. And masochism doesn't work like that.

Khym Chanur: Cut Angua example, since that's Mugging the Monster.
** A similar example would be the robbers who take Angua hostage, then wind up begging her boyfriend Carrot to come and arrest them. This is more likely because she cheerfully started maiming them than because she was annoying, though. It has become a running gag that criminals would tend to try to use Angua (who is a pretty blonde woman, three weeks out of four) as hostage, only to realize that is not a good idea.

Febel: wasn't there a big movement to rename this awhile back? i never got a chance to add my suggestion the the mix, "pity the captor." it's non specific enough to cover all the tropes bases and it's similar to the old title "pity the kidnapper"
