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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

When a band with two members, when introducing themselves, say something to theeffect of "I'm First Last, this is Second Last and together we are Puntastic Band Name."

- Little White Lie- At the beginning, Sami and Duder quote this verbatim. - Countless auditioners on talent shows.

Bill And Teds Excellent Adventure, possibly the Trope Codifier if not originator.

Bill: "I'm Bill S. Preston, Esquire!"
Ted: "And I'm Ted Theodore Logan!"
Both: "And we are Wyld Stallyns!"

And we are... The Spirit Squad!

Hi, I'm Jordan
And I'm Lee.
And I'm...
I'm... I'm Benny.

Running Gag with the band as well.

"Hi! I'm Nightcrawler!"
"And I'm Shadowcat!"
"We're X-men!"
"And these are your weapons' systems!" *kablam*


Lucky Day: I'm Lucky Day.
Ned Nederlander: I'm Ned Nederlander.
Dusty Bottoms: I'm Dusty Bottoms, and together we're...
All: The Three Amigos!

Video Games

  • God Hand. The Mad Midget Five introduce themselves.
Red: Caught that wild "JOKER"!
Yellow: One-heart gangsta "DIAMOND"!
Green: You can find me at the "CLUB"!
Blue: Have your pet neutered or "SPADE"!
Pink: I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm Hearts, I mean "HEARTS"!
Red: Together, we are... [all five together lay on the floor forming a V shape with their legs and a V appeared on the screen] The "Mad-Midget Five"!
Gene: Douchebags!

reply: Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson: "I'm Richard Dangerous, he's Sir Adrian Dangerous. We are - the Dangerous Brothers!"

reply: End of markup

DomaDoma: Winchester United! Best tennis double in history! (I always wanted to say that.)
