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Archived Discussion Main / TimeToUnlockMoreTruePotential

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: This name seems a little awkward. It doesn't flow.

Seth: What's with the name hating? I dont really see anything wrong with this one, it is a bit long though. Guru Glow for Guru on DBZ who put a glowing hand on someone's head and unlocked their potential powers. Please Train Me, Make Me Stronger, Im Not Strong Enough Yet something like that. But none of them have the simple understandability of the original.

Robert: Names don't have to be witty, but they should be memorable. A name like this is less likely to get linked to.

Ununnilium: Yeah. Plus, it's easy to make a mistake on; I bet within the week, someone will try to link to this and omit the "more" or the "time to".

Morgan Wick: Huh? I find it hilarious and snarky. The "true potential" might be confusing though...

Seth: Time To Unlock More Potentail then?

Morgan Wick: Well, you see, the "true" part is also part of what makes it funny.

Citizen: I don't understand your suggestion, Seth (er... unless that was just a misspelling =P). And I find the "More True" part of the title amusing/snarky, since it seems like the heroes are always going "and now I show my TRUE POWER... (minutes later) That was just warm up, THIS is my true power..." etc. etc.. I like this trope where it is.

Andrew Leprich: I really don't see a problem either, tbqh.

Seth: Personally i love the title. But if someone has a problem it never hurt to spitball.

I have to say that the title of this fits Gurren Lagann perfectly even if nothing about the description does. —Document N
