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Sharing A Bed launched as There Is Only One Bed: From YKTTW

Working Title: Sharing A Bed: From YKTTW

Pro-Mole: Taking off:

  • Although never to the extent of actually sharing a bed together; Harry and Hermione essentially do this in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, living together (alone) for over a month. Although Harry and Hermione have absolutely zero tension between them
Because just doesn't fit. It isn't sharing a bed, it doesn't even envolve UST. It may be something correlate, or maybe — who'd know? — not.

Duckluck: Can we find a better picture? I can barely even see the bed in this one.

sotanaht: my reverting the image was not to disagree with you. It was apparently removed because the link bounced, so I simply found what it was and replaced it. Feel free to replace it with something else.

Jordan: I see the picture is from Haruhi Suzumiya. Does an example of this occur in the series?
