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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Paul A: I removed this:

  • Green Rocks (Cavorite, the stuff that fuels time travel)

because Green Rocks isn't fictional minerals, it's plot devices that do a different thing every episode. Also, there's no Cavorite in The Time Machine — it's the stuff that fuels space travel in Wells's The First Men on the Moon. (Stephen Baxter's sequel says the time machine was powered by "Plattnerite", if that's what you were thinking of.)

Seth: Would it fit under Unobtainium?

Robert: Cavorite would, but The Time Machine doesn't have anything like that. How the machine works isn't explained.

Ununnilium: Huh. I guess Plattnerite and Unobtainium was what I was thinking of. @.@ For some reason I thought it was in the original book, too, and combined it with the name from the other Wells work.

Red Shoe: As a small sidenote (Which I hope I haven't already mentioned a bunch of times), Baxter's The Time Ships was based on a treatment he'd originally proposed for a Doctor Who novel. Which should blow your mind if you've read it.

Ununnilium: Hah, awesome. IMHO, it wouldn't work as well with Whoniverse elements bolted onto it.

Ojuice5001: Surely the socialist aspects of the book aren't a Strawman Political. Strawman Political means caricaturing someone's political beliefs. For example, if there had been a capitalist character who was okay with the Morlocks eating the Eloi, and all the rest of the dystopian aspects of the future, that would have been a Strawman Political. But that's not how it's handled at all; it's much more metaphorical.

But it would certainly be fair to say that the whole class-warfare aspect of the future is the result of Wells being a Writer on Board.

I have some doubts about "The Gray Man". My understanding is that Wells freely wrote it but the editors took it out because it was deemed too disturbing (it shows the extinction of mankind after evolving into some kind of non-sentient rat/rabbit thing). In fact I think I included that info here as such. But now I return, and it looks like somebody has changed it to the opposite (i.e. the editors included it while it wasn't in Wells' original book). So what is the truth?
