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Working Title: Nameless YKTTW: From YKTTW

Type B: Brain eating. The "Return of the Living Dead" movies have the zombies who shamble around going "brains." They start out able to speak and think like a regular person and it eventually degenerates the longer they're zombified to only dwindle down to "brains". See Zombie Apocalypse for details. It is not a Dead Unicorn Trope. It's just a specific type of Zombie film trope.

Maso Tey: The end of the opening paragraph doesn't quite work: the Braaaaains-moan (and the specifically brain-eating zombie, period) wasn't used by Romero, so the current phrasing, which implies it originated with him, is misleading. Is there any way to correct this without losing the pithiness?
I'm not convinced that it wasn't until Romero's film that 'zombies as the undead' entered popular culture. I'm pretty sure I remember Bob Hope encountering some zombies (called such) in one of his older films, and given that his comedies were usually parodying elements from other things, I'm guessing it was referencing some already common trope.
This article calls Solomon Grundy a hulk analogue, even though he was around 18 years before the Hulk. *nitpicking*

Removed this:

  • Bites don't transfer the condition? Really? Try telling that to (Cooper's wife and daughter in Night Of The Living Dead (that is, in the 1990 remake), Roger and Stephen in Dawn Of The Dead and Cholo in Land Of The Dead. They all came back slightly undeader than usual. Everyone we see bitten in Day Of The Dead was either literally torn apart or shot in the head soon after the bite, so they never had a chance to reanimate.)

I don't know what "slightly undeader than usual" is supposed to mean, but in the Romero canon, everyone who dies comes back as a zombie, and zombie bites are fatal, therefore everyone who gets bitten becomes a zombie, not because they got "infected" but simply because they died.

MCE Where do doom zombies belong in this? Doom 3 shows us that most civilian zombies have been altered by 'hell energy' and are fairly slow moving, military zombies are quicker, armed and seem to be taking orders from something, their is also mutated zombies. Civilian zombies often eat flesh but the time between 'death' and taking a zombie state seems to vary from instantly (the scientist at the start) to hours later, it is also not clear if all death rise again or if they are transformed from living to undead, without being dead in between.

further details
