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Archived Discussion Main / NecroNonSequitur

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

What does "COD" stand for? —Document N

Probably "Cause Of Death" — ralphmerridew

  • Removed-Another death from the books occurred when a man in Jack the Ripper-era London accidentally inhaled toxic chemicals and passed out. Thinking he was dead, a doctor began an autopsy on him and was examining one of his lungs when the man woke up and died. Either that was the worst doctor ever or we were all stupid back then.
It was far less relevant than the other examples from the same series, and yes, it's only recently that we're able to be pretty sure that someone's dead before we stick them in the ol' pine box-there have been recorded cases of people getting buried alive in this way, and those with more money were able to pay to rig their coffin/grave site with a little bell and pull string, so that they could alert someone that they were awake in a small box six feet underground and rather unhappy.

Masami Phoenix: Removed the following

  • While Ebony and Hermione B'loody Mary are discussing how much they hate Ebony's friend Willow, B'loody Mary casually brings up that "after she got expuld I murdered her and den loopin did it with her cause he’s a necphilak.”.

As it has nothing to do with an improbable death, since we don't know how she died, other than Ebony killed her.

Daibhid C: I'm probably a bad person, but on reading this:
  • The good old furry episode featured a man in a fursuit mildly poisoned, shot when mistaken for a coyote and finally hit by a car driven by his girlfriend, who is herself killed moments later by an incoming truck. immediate thought was "Did he have enough time to hold up a small sign saying 'yipes!'?"
