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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

The Grim Sleeper: So where does the name come from? Is it a quote, a joke, an injoke, a pun? Maybe my Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe isn't what it's supposed to be, but I don't get it.

Red Shoe: This response is probably way too late to enlighten, but the name is a play on the line "The lady doth protest too much, methinks," Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2, which is usually referenced when one wants to indicate that your are suspicious that the forcefulness with which someone is declaring something is because, deep down, they know it isn't really true and are hoping to convince you before you look too deeply into the issue (In Hamlet, Queen Gertrude is calling out a character in a play's protests of undying fidelity to her husband, as Gertrude knows from experience that someone in the character's position wouldn't even wait until the body was cold to remarry).

More directly, the title came from Proud Warrior Race Guy Discussion.

Dark Sasami: Anybody know where that page image came from?

Caswin: I was wondering the same thing.

Jatopian: I was wondering why anyone would run from that.

GG Crono: Ditto.

Camacan: The name doesn't quite work. You would never guess from the title what the trope is and it isn't funny or insightful enough to justify it. It's fine if you already know what it means but that's far from good. Did this trope go through YKTTW?
Keenath: I'm not clear on what this trope is about. Is it about a species who claims to be one way but, hypocritically, acts another way? Or is it about how main characters of a "mostly evil" race will invariably be heroic? If it's the latter, then the trope name doesn't make sense. The species is protesting too much when they all strongly claim to be something, in the hopes that nobody will notice they aren't.

T Beholder: yeah, needs to be made more clear.

  • Dorna is a woman. Female dwarves have never had beards in this (and most) settings.

T Beholder: No. At least AD&D FRCS (T$R #1085) states that "both dwarven males and females have beards, though the females usually (but not always) shave". The same according to 3ed FRCS (#11836): for dwarven males it's a matter of pride while for females it's a matter of taste, so they may shave their beards or grow and adorn or even cut into goatee, as they like.

Not sure if it's the same thing, but This Troper finds it very hard to get along with anyone of the same ... classification.. or persuasion. I find most other Christians insufferable, other men boorish, other young people vapid, and other nudists can be the most judgmental stuck-up prudes..
