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Archived Discussion Main / MissedTheCall

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


  • Kanazuchi Yuuki of the webcomic Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki was also selected randomly when Hermod needed to recruit a valkyrie. Too randomly; Hermod should have at least made sure of Yuuki's gender before committing.

There's nobody who was missed, here.

Later: Do we really need all those spoilers for Ben 10 and Corrector Yui and such?

Jisu: Simplified the Yui example as per your request.

Random Surfer: Does it count as this trope if the Chosen One misses the call, and nobody else answers it? (In the story I'm thinking of we find out that the call was missed.)
Random Surfer: The description of this trope sounds more like Wrong Number rather than someone missing a call.
  • Hear Hear, in fact, I got here from a link in The Call which uses it in just such a fashion, very misleading!
