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Archived Discussion Main / LesbianVampire

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Seth: No such thing as a gay vampire? Well there was that episode of Karin.

Mister Six: Hey, I never said there weren't male gay vampires, just that they weren't really a trope as such. By the way, does anyone know if Bathory was actually a lesbian or if she was just a sick murderer?

Ununnilium: When you get to that level of psychopathy, I don't think it really matters.

Anonymous: Any one saying that gay vampires aren't a trope obviously hasn't heard of Anne Rice and the legion of knock offs!

Bob: I believe she has actually been described as bi several times. Due to, you know, being married and attracted to girls at the same time.

Trouser Wearing Barbarian: More relevant to this discussion would be the fact that her books are filled to the brim with vampire Ho Yay. Honestly, I'm read and watched loads of things with vampires, and the gay/bi male vampire is as much of a trope as his female counterpart. Vampirism gets associated with homosexuality and bisexuality a lot in fiction, be it directly, ambiguously, or symbolically. Someone ought to either expand the scope of this page, or least make a separate Gay Vampire trope for the guys.

Ununnilium: Even this new picture is still too big, IMHO.

Earnest: Just to play devils advocate (or should that be vampires advocate?), if a normally straight person only fed on the opposite gender once vamped, they'd only have half as many meal choices as a bi-curious vamp. So maybe it's a "survival" instinct? I dunno, I feel like including this but it feels kind of improvised.

Mister Six: That makes sense on a fantasy level, I suppose, but it's notable that bisexual vampires are almost exclusively female. Probably because many of these stories are written by men...

Earnest: I suppose so, I'm trying to remember if guypires being bisexual has ever been played for laughs, like Rape Is Funny When It Is Male On Male.

Sukeban: Well, there was that flirting scene in The Fearless Vampire Killers with Herbert and Alfred... ^_^;

MeganPhntmGrl: Which then got turned into a whole musical number in the stage version, Tanz Der Vampire, via a song called "Wenn Liebe in dir ist" ("When You Are In Love"): . Notable in that the stage version has been known to play Herbert as explicitly bisexual (groping girl vampires at the ball) and also as genuinely in love with Alfred, not just horny.

Xander77 this is noted as a Dead Trope, but we have several examples from recent years, so it's.... not?

Mister Six: It says Dead Horse Trope - that's something that's been done to death, to the point where the parody trope is as recogniseable as the original.

Anonymous: The writers of Bt VS have acknowledged that during season 3 they were considering making either Xander or Willow a homosexual (however little sense that made in light of previous character depictions) and in fact laid the foundations for both characters. So the mentioned example is definite foreshadowing.

Taper W: It doesn't actually fit the trope, but the Harmony-Cordelia pseudoseduction that leads to the glorious "I thought she was a great big lesbo!" phone conversation needs to be mentioned.

AKK: Does the Countess from Diablo 2 count? Although hers is based on the older legend of bathing in virgin blood for eternal youth(and according to some book of facts I read long ago, there was a real life noblewoman who did that).

Twin Bird: Do we really need to say "no, wait, that vampire's actually bisexual" in every other entry?
