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Archived Discussion Main / LegionOfLostSouls

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Legion of Lost Souls: From YKTTW

Janitor: You don't intend to leave it like this, surely? Don't launch, if you are that lazy. //Later: Fixed it. Thanks for the work assignment.

Melodious B: So, there's an adventure novel from the 1860s called Under Two Flags, and I'm not sure whether it displaces Beau Geste as the Trope Maker or if it's just the Ur-Example. The only way in which it isn't a perfect example of the trope is that the (English) hero joins the Chasseurs d'Afrique, a cavalry regiment, not the actual foreign legion. But the concept of Beauf Gest was pretty much cribbed from this book. Thoughts?
