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Archived Discussion Main / IdiosyncraticWipes

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Gus: I'm not seeing the similarity to a Binocular Shot called out in the entry. Ima zapit, unless somebody has an argument against.

Aaronl: The Batman wipes came a couple of years before the Monty Python ones, so I removed the reference to Monty Python doing it first. They didn't invent EVERYTHING, you know. :P

"Star Wars had a very recognisable style in its use of screen wipes in the original trilogy, which was maintained (entirely without necessity) in the newer Prequels."

  • Apart from the necessity of maintaining a consistent style between all of the films. Otherwise there was no necessity to use the same theme music or logo either.

triassicranger: And so it would seem there was no difference between this trope and "Scene Flip".

The title seems like a setup for a Monk reference, but I don't want that on my hands. —Document N

Willbyr: Moving this here, since the original link is now dead.
  • Ray William Johnson would flash the logo of his You Tube show, Capitol Hill Gangster, between scene cuts, accompanied by the sound of a DJ spinning a record. When the show changed to Equals Three, the transitional text was changed to read "Cool Transition."
