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Archived Discussion Main / HollywoodSilencer

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: Evidently "this editor" has talked it over with himself and come to the conclusion that there wasn't really anything to say, to begin with....

  • This editor has not seen the movie in question but would like to point out that it is possible to silence a revolver if properly designed, contrary to popular belief. However this editor also notes that in his experience there was only 1 model of revolver ever designed to be silenced.
  • And they weren't using that model in the movie, hence "impossible due to construction" stands.

What would Chigurh's silenced shotgun in No Country for Old Men fall under? A straight usage, since it's quite unrealistic? : Wait, you're complaining about something that's fictional? Please. Also, I've seen silencers for shotguns. Granted, they were tacticool, but...

Red Shoe: Can't recall the movie, maybe one of the Naked Gun films, but I know there's a spoof out there involving a silencer with a volume dial. The character has it turned down too low and accidentally fires off a few totally silent rounds before adjusting it to the expected fwpt sound. Anyone recall the title?

Camacan: I've seen it too — can't place it. I moved the extensive notes about Real Life silencers to their own article. The trope is now more concise and just talks about the trope. We also don't make the point that the real bang is bigger over and over now — just one or two mentions with the link to the detailed info.

Evilest_Tim: I've thought for a while about this, and I just can't agree with splitting it; the TL:DR version is so compressed it doesn't actually provide any information about the trope's basis in reality, and we've already got people nattering about silenced revolvers in the examples again.

Fast Eddie: I don't agree. The article is way too long for the trope. A Useful Notes article might be interesting. This is taking way too much time to set up a very simple trope. Silencers don't work like that, anywhere but in Hollywood. Done.

If you feel the Silencers article needs more flesh, that's the place for it.

Evilest_Tim: But incredibly short articles is why we have the laconic wiki. The trope itself might be simple, but any trope related to science or technology is going to have to have some data on how it actually works (look at, say, Evolutionary Levels or even simple concepts like Mary Sue); shunting it off into a side-article just means it's less likely people will actually read it, and increases the likelihood of these mistakes turning up in the examples section ad nauseum.
