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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

RedBeardSean: after writing the following example, I can no longer be sure that it belongs here, or that it is a subversion. Certainly it's relevant to the Furry tropes. Opinions?

"* Comic book subversion: in Steve Gallacci's Erma Felna: EDF, it was eventually revealed that the furries inhabiting the galaxy were not human-sized, but regular-animal-sized. A derelict ship containing a body of a human is discovered, providing scale and the implication that the furries are gene-engineered terrestrial animals."

random passer-by: I recall reading some of those about ten, fifteen years back. The Gallaci title, I mean. Of course I never saw the whole run, just a few issues, but I'm mindboggled by that mental image—because all the furries are more or less similar in size, at least close enough that, for example, they can use the same furniture. From the scale, from seeing them together, his cat furries, for example, I imagined as being maybe four and a half, five feet tall, and the lion, bear, and tiger furries were a lot bigger and beefier but no more than six and a half feet tall.

Harpie Siren: Donald's actually encountered a recipe for roast duck at least twice, the time he tore up the one in a cook book, and once while channel surfing on a radio, to which he replied, "Not over my dead body"

I remember that. Adding Fridge Logic to the equation: In a World… of sentient ducks, how can it be legal for ducks to be butchered for food? We probably shouldn't think about that for too long...

Harpie Siren: I took out:

particulary those of Disney comics
Cause Furry Confusion is generally universal and showed up long before the Goofy/Pluto dilemma. Though I did leave the "most obvious Disney example" notation...
TTD: So who'd like to email this page to Marc Brown and ask him what the hell's going on in the Arthur-verse? <:D

Erica MZDM: Just as a general comment, I've never had much of an issue with this - usually I just mentally hand wave the difference between anthropomorphic critters and conventional ones as the difference between a human and a monkey. Yes, they're similar, and fairly obviously related, but it doesn't break the universe to have both of them exist. Although this tends to break down the more the anthropomorphic characters are treated as /animals/ and not just funny looking humans.

  • I'm with you on this one and would like to go one further; can we add Ross and his pet monkey Marcel from Friends as a Live Action example for the article?

Frozen Wolf 150: I moved the Brian from Family Guy example from the Disney category to the proper category under Western Animation, as a bullet point under the Family Guy example. Also, added the comment about the western Sonic The Hedgehog cartoon series, which I put under the existing Sonic entry in the Video Games category.

Heroic Jay: I'm strongly tempted to remove the Gargoyles entry. Word of God has the simplest and most obvious explanation: Bronx is a different species, and it's not necessarily that he's "like an ape" intelligence-wise; just that his species is related to Gargoyles. Dogs and cats are mammals, and humans (also mammals) own them in the Real World; that seems just as "confusing" as the Gargoyle example.

TTD: I don't know. I think it still fits because I've only ever heard Bronx and his kind being referred to as Gargoyles; not as a different species. Anyway, what matters here is what it looks like onscreen.

(Cut from the Big Sky Carvers example, but put here as it's too funny not to discuss.)

The closest they have is the (hello Unfortunate Implications) Chicken Jesus Nativity Set. And in that set, Chicken Jesus is still in the egg. Um...

Twentington: Using a bit of Fridge Logic, you know, this really makes sense from a scientific standpoint. If you have funny animals taking the place of humans in a world, you still need to have all the other creatures (like say, non-anthro animals) in place or the whole system would collapse.
Would you support adding this as an alternate title (like all the alternate and varying titles to Takahashi Couple)? "What the hell IS Goofy?"

HeartBurn Kid: Eh, no need, IMHO. Most of the redirects on Takahashi Couple or whatever it's called these days are simply because we kept moving the page; each one used to be what the page is called, and the redirect is kept for continuity's sake. There's not much reason to add a new redirect like that. After all, if you're linking to this page, what's easier to fit into a sentence: Furry Confusion or What The Hell IS Goofy?
