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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

From YKTTW Working Title: Derailing Love Interests

Cambdoranononononono: Removed the below. You can add it if they actually hook up, but so far, hints of Gwen/Duncan haven't been used for much other than to fuel the paranoia of their respective love interests. Gwen even denied it under an apparent lie detector. It seems particularly paranoid to me to suggest that Courtney's entire characterization from Haut Camp-ture onward was solely in service to this trope, as well.

  • Many Total Drama Action fans speculate that Courtney's sudden transformation into a Jerkass in season two, as well as Trent's suddenly unhealthy obsession with Gwen earlier in that season were done in order to facilitate Gwen's breakup with Trent and Duncan's breakup with Courtney so that the writers can pair up Gwen and Duncan later on.
