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Archived Discussion Literature / TheRiftwarCycle

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Stars: I removed the entries for Boring Invincible Hero and Canon Sue since the Troper failed to provide any examples and indeed, denied the need to do so.

While many of Feists's heroes are powerful (Pug and Tomas, especially), I fail to see how they fall into the Mary Sue category since they do screw up and bad things do happen to them. To give a few brief examples of the major heroes failing...

Magician: Pug is captured by the Tsurani and enslaved. This does work out for the better in the end but since Pug was on a recon mission and failed to make it back...

Silverthorn: Jimmy manages to stop the assassin from killing Arutha... by allowing Anita to be shot instead.

A Darkness At Sethanon: Pug and Tomas both walk into a VERY obvious trap while they are trying to rescue Macros the Black.

The King's Buccaneer: Anthony winds up destroying the hero's ship after his weather control spell - meant to counter a spell that took the wind from their sails - summons a small hurricane.

The Serpent War Saga: Pug nearly gets killed after trying to confront the Emerald Queen's fleet directly, not expecting their counter magics to be as strong as they were.
