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Archived Discussion Literature / Anathem

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

As for the Five-Man Band, I disagree slightly: Lio seems more along the lines of The Big Guy (laconic, tough, acts on instinct), while Arsibalt is The Lancer (often turns things back again on Erasmas, often sarcastically, apt where Erasmas is gullible and vice-versa). Additionally, there seems to be a separate Five-Man Band during the Peregrine: The Hero / Erasmas, The Lancer / Yul (given his sympathy to, and yet chummy opposition to, Erasmas), The Big Guy / Gnel (not directly as outwardly Mountain Man as Yul, but in the arguments, the core of the book, one to flounder and trudge along behind the rest), The Smart Guy / Sammann (with his level of knowledge of things completely perplexing to Erasmas), and The Chick / Cord, although I almost want to put her as The Lancer for her shadow / inversion of Erasmas's personality—his older sibling, who is both affectionate, condescending, and annoyed with him—providing a good counterbalance, as a Lancer should
