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Archived Discussion LightNovel / FateZero

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Hipployta: Ahem I haven't read it but would like someone to correct this. For Improbable Weapons it's either a F-15C or F-16CJ...there is no such thing as a F-15CJ so I changed it to an either or. I'm fairly certain we don't sell Block 50 16's (the CJ is a HAR Ms shooter)

Canon Rap: I created this as a separate page mainly because tropes from this and Fate Stay Night don't really apply to each other, despite being the same setting. If anyone disagrees, just say something here, since it won't be too hard to merge the two pages and having Fate Zero redirect to Fate Stay Night.

-I dropped the FN Minimi and the AUG from the “rare guns” section. They aren’t even close to rare the Minimi and it’s variants, better know to gamers as the “SAW”, are the standard light machine for most of the western hemisphere (and the JGSDF as well) with production runs into the millions of units, the AUG likewise is the standard small arm of about a dozen national armies with a similarly huge production runs.

The WA 2000 and the Contender still qualify though so the trope isn’t wrong just too inclusive IMO it’s confusing “big” or “powerful” with “rare”.

Canon Rap: (whups, please ignore the whole proxying thing)

Canon Rap: uploaded image; the cover of the Return to Zero Soundtrack without text. Also added the official excerpt (or however you'd call it - like the "I have a secret I haven't told you..." below the Fate Stay Night logo)

Boo: Are these illustrated novels comics or books with occasional pictures? This would be helpful for example sorting.

The Phantom Squee: Books with pictures, I believe.

Narvi: Is there a complete translation anywhere?
