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Archived Discussion ComicStrip / MallardFillmore

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Twin Bird: Regarding the "Unfortunate Implications" entry...I always thought that was a jab at the people he'd represented in his strip complaining, not an actual attack on Jon Stewart. Am I giving him too much credit?

Rebochan: Did you read the whole week? It's a lot clearer over the week of strips that he was particularly incensed with Stewart.

EDIT: Checking the entry...whoops, I thought I linked the whole week instead of just the one strip! Yea, it's *much* clearer in context.

Taeraresh: Should it be mentioned here that discussing this strip on The Comics Curmudgeon is an immediate-banning offense?

Rebochan: Well, that would be an example of it causing Internet Backdraft.
