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YMMV / Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

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  • Complete Monster: Vilmer Slaughter is the current leader of the Slaughter (Sawyer) clan. A vicious agent for an organization that seeks to spread fear, Vilmer goes above and beyond their standards and orders. When a group of high school students get into an accident, Vilmer seemingly helps Sean with an unconscious victim, declaring the victim dead when he breaks his neck, before killing Sean and showing their bodies to Jenny. Vilmer abuses and torments his family, including his lover Darla, who implies that she is a hostage with Stockholm Syndrome. With Heather as a tortured hostage of the Slaughters, Vilmer has her set on fire to entertain himself, and when that doesn't kill her, slowly crushes her head under his foot. When belittled by his superior Rothman, Vilmer blows off steam by self-mutilating, and killing, his brother W.E., setting Leatherface loose onto Jenny, and killing an elderly couple that tries to help her. With the depravity of Vilmer's massacre, the organization eventually has to step in and kill him, thinking he's gone too far.
  • Ham and Cheese: Matthew McConaughey is clearly having the time of his life.
  • Hollywood Homely: At first appears to be played straight in regards to Jenny, though at one point Heather tells Barry (who has been constantly ragging on Jenny) she's seen her naked in the shower rooms, and she's actually pretty hot. Barry is surprised... and very interested.
  • Narm: A large amount of the film. Examples include the stick whacking sequence, Jenny and Vilmer fighting for control of Vilmer's robotic leg with TV remotes, the bulk of the dinner sequence, Vilmer's finger point of doom, Leatherface's mannerisms after donning his female flesh suit, and Sean's death ("Please sir, you're scaring me!")
  • Retroactive Recognition:
  • Sequelitis: Opinions vary on Massacre 2 and Leatherface, but most agree that this sunk the franchise so hard, it ended up being the final Massacre until the remake.
