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YMMV / Power Pro-kun Pocket 7

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  • Good Bad Bugs:
    • Rarely, if a home run is scored right at the foul line the game will not register it. The outfielders will be unable to retrieve the ball, allowing any present runners to make it home anyway. If you're controlling the runners, you'll have to manually move them to home base while the camera gets stuck on the top of the map. Unfortunately, if the CPU is controlling them instead, it will not react to any of this and the match will be softlocked.
    • You are supposed to get a game over if you clear the final mission of Taisho Adventure with too little money. This does not happen due to a glitch. In fact, it causes you to clear the story without the inventory penalties you would get at 5000 to 9999 money. The only bad thing is that the glitch will prevent most of the epilogues from appearing.
  • Nightmare Fuel: In the worst game over condition for Koshien Hero, Red turns Hero 7 and his team into braindead baseball lovers. We then see a hideously Off-Model crayon drawing of the main characters being "HAPPY" with nothing but a sinister bell ringing as background music. This scene became rather infamous among fans over time and even got used without changes in the 2021 adaptation of the story featured in the Pawapuro mobile game. It was even featured in a promotional Amazon gift card.
  • Scrappy Mechanic:
    • Several events in Koshien Hero have a random chance of failing to grant a positive perk or saddling you with a negative one instead. A couple of those are mandatory, so it can be very annoying to suddenly get slapped with a negative trait despite not doing anything wrong.
    • My Pennant in pitcher mode is basically unplayable because regardless of how well you play, the CPU can decide to just never let your character out of the damn bullpen for seveeeeral matches. If you don't get to play, you lose motivation. Without motivation your cannot use curveballs and the like properly, meaning you'll likely perform badly once you do play. You also won't get experience points to develop your characters with (and you need strikeouts and immaculate innings for max exp earnings), and you might even lose what you have due to random events, rendering the entire playthrough pointless.
    • The negative random events in My Pennant, especially the rare Truck-kun crash that lowers your main power stat. Later in the series, all random events and dialogue in My Pennant are outright removed.
    • Clearing My Pennant doesn't award you with power points, but instead with a currency for purchasing robots and tanks in the My Base minigame. This minigame is what awards power points, but it only works in multiplayer and is just a quick dumb thing where the players' units automatically fight each other with no strategies possible other than simply filling the board with the most expensive robot.
  • Signature Scene:
    • The aesop from Dr. Tessai that people should strive for mercifulness and tolerance instead of enforcing their own personal sense of justice on others is the part of the game most quoted by its fans.
    • The game over where the Pokerangers brainwash the protagonist into becoming a baseball zombie of sorts is so infamous that Konami took the time to implement it in the Lighter and Softer adaptation featured in the Power Pros App.
  • That One Boss: The Gundar Robo Vs. Pokerangers battle at the end of Koshien Hero can be either manageable or awfully unfair depending of how the RNG is feeling like. The Gundar Robo is a large and cumbersome target that can be easily showered with bullets from the heroes without the player being able to do anything about it. The heroes are numerous Goddamned Bats that heal themselves if left offscreen and that cannot be shot recklessly as destroying Hanamaru High is also a game over condition. Failing also kicks the player back to the Koshien finals and continues are limited. The developers acknowledged how harsh it was on a 2022 interview.
