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Characters / Power Pro-kun Pocket 7

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Characters introduced in Power Pro-kun Pocket 7. For "Hero 7" and Yuda, see the franchise's main character page.

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The original leader of the Pocket Heroes.
  • Back from the Dead: Despite being destroyed by Hero 7, in 14 Red suddenly reappears living in the former BW Shopping District. He claims to have helped the district's people succeed against the Judgment supermarket in 9, all but outright stating he was Hero 9 all along.
  • Big Bad: The main antagonist of Koshien Hero.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Red is introduced turning a match in the favour of the Hanamaru team, but Hero 7 quickly becomes suspicious of his intentions.
  • Brainwashing for the Greater Good: The end goal of the Pocket Heroes was to pacify everyone with mind control.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: Through an unexplained supernatural phenomenon, Red and the other heroes were unknowingly invoked by Hero 7 when the boy wished for the Hanamaru team to achieve success.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: Red and the other Pocket Heroes engineer the conflict with the Walkro Team and attempt to brainwash the population because they just came into life one day with an instilled idea of being "heroes" and had an existencial crisis over that.
  • Expressive Mask: His mask and visor bends when he's angry.
  • The Faceless: Always seen masked in 7 and 14. Even the epilogue scene in 14 that shows Mao, Pink and Red all together doesn't explicity show if he is truly the heroic hobo from 9.
  • Graceful Loser: When defeated by Hero 7, he feels a better understanding of what real heroism is and fades away contently.
  • Heel–Face Turn: It is implied Red is the protagonist of 9, who helps out a shopping district's community as a common man. In the "true route" for 14, Red personally stops the leader of the Judgment organization from reshaping the world.
  • Heroic BSoD: In 14, Red is found moping around the Boogie Woogie district, lamenting he ultimately couldn't protect them over the years. But upon knowing Mao and the other remaining Pocket Rangers are still trying to prevent Judgement from rewriting reality, Red gets back into the fight.
  • Nice Guy: Red presents himself as a honourable hero and is always introduced as a "tough and cool nice guy" with "nice guy" being in Gratuitous English. Hero 9 specifically being the one other character who's introduced like that is the most obvious hint of them being the same guy.
  • Noodle Incident: 14 heavily implies he is Hero 9, but is extremely vague about which events of that game are canon and what exactly left him depressed aside from the Boogie Woogie district closing down.
  • Red Is Heroic: As befits a sentai team leader.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: A yellow one, which also hints at his civilian identity.


The leader of the Walkro team.
  • Decoy Leader: He follows Red's orders to create monsters and criminal incidents for the Pocket Heroes to defeat so they gain public approval.
  • The Faceless: Hides his face with a blue mask.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: After revealing the truth behind the Pocket Heroes to Hero 7, Waldo disappears from the story and seemingly faces no consequences for his actions.

    Love interests 

Koharu Akase (生瀬小晴)

  • But Now I Must Go: If Hero 7 hooks up with her but fails his promise to win the Koshien, she ends up leaving to study abroad after all while Hero 7 cries his eyes out in disgrace.
  • Happily Married: Later in the series, it is implied that she got married to Shugo Arita offscreen.

Mayumi Nakata (中田まゆみ)

Haruka Kurami (倉見春香)

Nashigo Ishikawa (石川梨子)

Rena Kirishima (霧島玲奈)

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In Rena's bad ending she is brainwashed into becoming a fangirl for the Pocket Heroes.
    Rena (cosplaying and holding Pocket Hero merch): Hey, hey, why aren't you cheering Red on?
    Hero 7: Rena has become a fan of the Heroes. ...Something is definitively wrong here...
  • Cute Sports Club Manager: She's the manager for the Hanamaru team.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Rena is never seen again after her home game, except for the short Koshien Assault scenario in 14, which is presumably not canon. She doesn't even get any Inner Success counterparts!

Mao "Black" Serizawa (芹沢真央)

  • All There in the Manual: Supplementary material for 14 claims she's dating someone but doesn't state who it is.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Whether it is played for comedy or for drama, Mao is one of the few female characters who we see injured and bruised on-screen.
  • But Now I Must Go: If she survives the events of Koshien Hero but Hero 7's memories of her are erased by the defeat of the Pocket Heroes, she quietly leaves him. If he does manage to remember Mao, she gives him one big hug but still leaves to lead the remaining Pocket Heroes.
  • Continuity Cameo: She became a useable character in Live Powerful Pro Baseball Mobile on April 2020.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Mao gets severely injured in 12, and is seen wearing one of these over her right eye, but in 14 she has fully recovered.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: If Hero 7's attempt to help her against Pink goes wrong, he gets attacked and Mao fatally injures herself with a Dangerous Forbidden Technique to save him. She gives Hero 7 a device to weaken the other Pocket Heroes and, after he leaves, fades away while a concerned policeman tries to help her.
  • Invisibility: Her signature power, which seems pretty common for black-colored sentai heroes.
  • Kind Hearted Cat Lover: She's a cat person. In fact, "Mao" is chinese for "cat".
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: She was born nameless and named herself Mao Serizawa. Only a few like Pink, Hero 7 and Hero 14 know her by name, as she's usually called Black by most other characters in the games she's in. In fact, even her player cards on the smartphone spinoff just refer to her as Black.
  • Recurring Character: Reappears as a force for good in some of the next games, including the final one.
  • Rei Ayanami Expy: A Not Quite Human, grey-haired and stoic girl whose mysteries intrigue Hero 7.
  • Samus Is a Girl: She's the civilian identity of Ranger Black.
  • Secret Character: Despite being important for the Koshien Hero scenario, Mao only appears if she's unlocked for a New Game Plus run.
  • Token Good Teammate: The only Pocket Hero who wasn't happy with their Knight Templar ways. After Red is defeated, she becomes the leader of the group's remnants.
